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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 07:40



热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 01:19

《金银岛》读后感 最近,我读了一本著名探险故事书,它便是史帝文生所著的《金银岛》了。故事发生在十八世纪,杰夫.何金斯是一个小男孩,他渴望并且热衷於出海寻宝。有一次,他到了金银岛寻宝,与海盗、水手打交道,亲身体验到船员之间真诚、忠实、虚伪、残暴的种种现象,目睹了一幕幕令人惊心动魄的故事。 读了这本探险故事,使我感触良多。主人翁杰夫.何金斯原是一个胆小、害羞的孩子。父亲去世后,他便开始了探险。在探险之旅中,初时杰夫只是一个船舱裏的服务生,但他却勇於与敌人搏斗,后来更从海盗手中夺回大船,并自命为新任船长。虽然杰夫.何金斯经常易於冲动,但他所表现出来的非凡勇气和过人胆识,足以令我佩服不已。杰夫.何金斯凭著勇气与胆识,由一个胆小怕事的小男孩变成一位夺回大船的英雄。而我们有时遇到难题,便自乱阵脚,不努力探讨解决的办法。试想想,若我们也有杰夫那种勇於尝试和敢於探索的精神,许多难题不是都能迎刃而解吗? 在故事结尾,杰夫返航后,并没提到他分到多少财宝,他反而发誓再也不去寻宝了。还时常受到噩梦困扰,梦见大海和金币。金币令杰夫做噩梦,而不是富贵梦;一味追求物质的满足,最终只是徒劳;贪婪和*永远不会带来美好的生活。如果人人都明白这个道理,恐怕便不会发生一些野心家为争夺名利而不择手段的事情了。 人世间最宝贵的不是金银财宝,而是爱心与友谊。它还告诉我们,遇事要冷静不能冲动,而且要有耐心,必要的时候还要请求别人的帮助。要像可爱的吉姆一样,机智的与坏人斗争,最终取得胜利!我喜欢《金银岛》的另一个原因是:作者充满了想像。看完这本书,我也幻想有一天能去海上历险,去帮助很多需要帮助的人。 《金银岛》是19世纪英国作家史蒂文森的成名作,也是一本举世公认的世界名著。 书中描写一个叫吉姆的孩子,从一个海盗那里,偶尔得到一张埋藏巨额财富的荒岛地形图,这事引起了当地乡绅屈利劳尼先生的兴趣。为了找到这笔财富,他们驾驶了一艘三桅船去荒岛探险。不料船上混入了一伙海盗,他们在独腿西尔弗的策划下,妄图夺下三桅船,独吞这笔财富。吉姆在无意中得到这一消息,他配合屈利劳尼先生同海盗们展开了英勇机智的斗争,最后终于战胜了他们找到了宝藏。 在斯蒂文森巧妙的安排下,浩瀚的大海、荒凉的孤岛给读者创造了一个亦真亦幻的世界,引领读者进入了一个笼罩着幻想纱幕的境域。一个接一个似明实暗、似松实紧的悬念创造出一环紧扣一环的迭起*。充满着孩童情趣的生动对话、风浪迭起的气氛渲染使小说从努至终笼罩着一层神秘的色彩,而同时又洋溢着一股朝气与热情。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 01:19

TREASURE ISLAND《金银岛》英文读后感(book report)


The writor’s name is Robert Louis Stevenson. He was born in Edinburgh on November 13th 1850.

His grandfather and father were civil engineering,made great achievements in the lighthouse construction. And they wished that Stevenson would take over their own enterprise. In 1867, Stevenson received his father’s decree to enter the Edinburgh University to study civil engineering. In fact, he loved literature when he was a child. So he asked his father to study literature, and was refused. But his father let him study law.

In 1878, Stevenson published his first travel notes "Inland river Range". A year later, he published "Jilv roaming in mind" and "Man and the casual theory". Since then, he gave up his business lawyer, writing with great concentration. In a short period of his life, he wrote a large number of essays, travelogues, essays, novels and poems.

1894, only 44-year-old Stevenson suddenly suffered from stroke,and died of illness in the Pacific south of the capital, Apia, Western Samoa and was buried in the local mountains overlooking the Pacific.


My name was Jim Hawkins. An old seaman called Bill came to my father’s inn. He asked me to keep my eyes open for a seaman with one leg. But one day, a man named Black Dog came to the inn suddenly. And he fighted with Bill for something. Black Dog ran away with his blood running down. And Bill lay on the floor when he was going to leave.

Then the Blind Man came and gave Bill a Black Spot. But Bill died just then. I told mother that I knew. And then my mother and I decided to ask for help in the neighboring village, but failed. Fortunately, several men were willing to ride to Dr Liversery. And my mother and I went back to the inn to get our lawful money, and I took the oil cloth packet of papers. Then we ran away and hid under the bridge. The Blind Man brought some other pirates in the inn for the oil cloth packet of papers, and failed, of course. But the Blind Man didn’t believe. So they quarreled when Dirk sent signals to let them run away. And the Blind Man was left along and killed by the running houses.

We rode to Dr Liversery’s house. I gave the oil cloth packet of papers to him. And we decided to ready to find that money. Several days later, a letter came and asked Red Ruth and I to go to Bristol. The squire gave me a note to take to John Silver when I arrived here. And I found the Black Dog was also here and ran away. John deceived me into believing his innocence.

The captain was a sharp man and he was afraid of a mutiny. So we moved the powder and arms to the room near by ours. Then we started the voyage. The voyage was very good, except Mr. Arrow. He drank too much after a day or two at sea. At last, he disappeared entirely with no reason. Before arrived the island, I want a apple. But the apple barrel was nearly empty, so I had to climb into it, and had a sleep there. When I was awake, I heard that Silver asked Dick to join him to create a mutiny. And so did Dick. They wanted to kill us on the island. I told all I had known to my friend.

When we arrived in the island, some of them carelessly obey orders. The captain decided to make some of them go to the island for keeping them calm and let the mutiny came late. I quickly went over the ship’s side and into the nearest boat. I arrived first and ran towards the trees. And then I witnessed that Silver killed Tom and admitted having killed Alan. Because they didn’t join Silver. I was scared. I left there as silent as I could, and met Ben Gunn who had lived on the island for 3 years. My friends’ boat was turned over by wind. All of our stores sank to the bottom, and only two guns of five could be used. They found the stockade and stayed here after they landed. Ben Gunn killed one of pirate at night. So Silver came to talk about peace, but failed. After an hour, fighting began. Our defence was very good, and we had a good place -----in the house. So we wan first. Then Dr Liversery was going to see Ben. And I went away secretly with filling both pockets of my coat with food. I took the boat which made by Ben Gunn to cut the “Hispania” loose. After that, I climbed onto the ship, and striked the pirate’s flag , and killed Israel Hands before he killed me.

I climbed down the rope and left the “Hispania” on the bay. I found that my friends were not in the stockade when I walked in. I was survived by Silver. Because other pirates all wanted to kill me. But Silver persuaded them to not do it. I also knew that Dr Liversery gave the map to Silver. So they decided to search the money.

They difficultly found the place where the treasure was. But the money was missing. Because GUNN had moved it to a hole. The other pirates were very angry, and ready to kill Silver and me. But Dr Liversery ,Gunn and Gray saved us. One of them was shotted to die, and others ran away.

The end of the adventure was that we removed the treasure to the ship, and left the tree pirates on the island. Silver went back with us because Dr Liversery had promised to him.


After reading this book, I admire the little dramatis personae very much. And it make me feeling more. Jim Hawkins was a timid and shy boy at first. At the beginning of the voyage, Jim was only a waiter in the cabin. But he was able to fight with enemys, and recapture the ship from the enemys at last. Although he was always prone to became actuation. His courage and insight that had been represented make me admirable. I have learned many things from him, like brave, resource, accommodating and so on. If we also have the spirit that Jim has, many difficult questions must be readily solved. 若满意望采纳

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 01:20

《金银岛》是19世纪英国作家史蒂文森的成名作,也是一本举世公认的世界名著。 书中描写一个叫吉姆的孩子,从一个海盗那里,偶尔得到一张埋藏巨额财富的荒岛地形图,这事引起了当地乡绅屈利劳尼先生的兴趣。为了找到这笔财富,他们驾驶了一艘三桅船去荒岛探险。不料船上混入了一伙海盗,他们在独腿西尔弗的策划下,妄图夺下三桅船,独吞这笔财富。吉姆在无意中得到这一消息,他配合屈利劳尼先生同海盗们展开了英勇机智的斗争,最后终于战胜了他们找到了宝藏。
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