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编写一段英语口语对话,要稍微长一点,话题是: What is the type of job yo

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 15:24



热心网友 时间:2023-11-19 02:28

Character: Jeff - IT department manager
Alisha: Human Resource
Tracy: Human Resource

Jeff: Hey Alisha,
Alisha: Yeah?
Jeff: You've got a minute?
Alisha: uh, give me 5 minutes would you?
Jeff: Sure not a problem, actually come to my office by then, bring Tracy too.
Alisha: will do.
(Five minutes later, Alisha and Tracy walk into Jeff's office)
Jeff: Great, close the door please, thank you!
Alisha: So you want to talk about the interview next week?
Jeff: You read my mind. *chuckle* Yeah, we've got how many... 5 candidates?
Alisha: 6 actually, we've got the one who couldn't make it last week to reschele into this week.
Jeff: Perfect! The more the marrier!
Tracy: Haha, you might want to becareful with that... *giggles*
Jeff: Right... anyways. I think we've got a pretty good idea of what we want to ask them since you two have done it a million times in the past. Now what I want to know is if there is anything very specific that you would like me to be asking.
Alisha: Well, the general questions are going to be fairly straight forward as you've said. "What did you apply for this job?" "What do you know about the company?" "What qualif..."
Jeff: (joins) "...qualifys you for this job." yeah the routine.
Alisha: Exactly.
Tracy: I think both Alisha and I can handle that part of the interview unless you like to talk
Jeff: I'll be okay with it either way.
Tracy: Okay, that sounds good. Now the technical part of it we'll probably have to let you handle that... do you have something particular in mind?
Jeff: well, it's not as complicated as you think. I will just ask about the technical part of previous work experience. We don't have to go too much in depth since I am mainly looking for their potentials.
Alisha: Ability to learn.
Jeff: yeah, very much so. After only a few minutes just talking I think I can get a pretty good gauge on the candidate. I mean if he's good, you'll pretty much know right away.
Tracy: That's true
Alisha: Ok, well I'll just let them fill out the personal history survey sheet after we are done the session then. I don't think we should spent too much time on the "grocery list" so to speak.
Jeff and Tracy: yeah, ok
Alisha: Okay then, anything else in mind?
Tracy: don't forget about the Union and the clean shaven policy.
Jeff: haha, you're right. Okay then, other than that, I'll put together a list of techincally specific questions that I want to ask. Won't be too long as I've said.
Alisha: And I'll draw the General questions and personality check stuff from the company template and then we can merge them together.
Tracy: I'll print those forums out right away.
Jeff: Alright. I think we are pretty much set. If anything come up, I'll be here till 5 today. Anytime in the afternoon is fine.
Alison and Tracy: Sounds good!
Jeff: Thank you both!
Alison and Tracy: Thank you!追问不是吧,是你想追求的工作类型,和它所包含的风险!不是招聘时的情景吧!

追答What is the value of humor in interpersonal relationships? Do you think humor is an important quality for a person? Why or why not?2. Do you think people need praise and encouragement? What are the most powerful words to you?3. What’s your ideal wife or husband? Do you think married women should stay at home and take care of the husband and children?.4. What qualities do you think are necessary for being creative? And which one do you think is the most crucial? Why is being creative so important in our life?5. Do you think athletes could be role model? Do you have a role model? Why or why not?6. Why are people risk-takers? What makes a person take high risks and do dangerous, even life-threatening thing7. Why do you think it’s important for a college student to be imaginative and creative? What kind of job you want to pursue? What kind of People University should proce?

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