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精灵旅社2英文简介,不超100 字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 19:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 09:13

Hotel Transylvania and we spend Halloween, let us look at the hotel Transylvania vampires, zombies have what new story to bring you. More hotel Transylvania feedback as in Jinghan net of the university entrance exam, Jinghan net of the university entrance exam have you need all feedback the latest TV drama and movie feedback, need high school feedback you come Jinghan entrance bar!追答Halloween is coming soon, this schele has become a heavy military battle. Don't to conventional released the horror movie, this year's Halloween has released a warm, romantic, funny, imagination ultra rich, Meng to not 3D animated cartoon "Hotel Transylvania". Yesterday, the film in Guangzhou held the preview will be applauded by the media, and the vampire Count Dracula, the subversion of the image of terror, with a super Dad image of love, let the audience of both joy and moved. A reporter saw the film last, Dracula in order to let her daughter Mavis and his own "love at first sight" of the boys, at the end of the incarnation of bats in the hot sun, the boy chased back, almost life hanging line, become the audience the most love tears.
It is reported that 3D "Hotel Transylvania" in North America release win in the first week of the $424.2 million at the box office, far beyond the "the Smurfs" was a box office record, and won the 2013 the 70th annual Golden Globe Awards Film Best Animated Film Nominated. The animated image of the whole "Hotel Transylvania" very innovative, movie full of whimsy, the audience often film in fanciful imagination pleasantly surprised. Parents can take the kids to see the 3D movie.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 09:14

"Hotel Transylvania 2" is about a vampire who opens a hotel for monsters and then has to deal with his son's human friend who is looking for adventure. The film features more comedy, more monsters, and more action than the first installment.
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