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【藏.荐】重点推荐 --- 《大明宣德年制铜鎏金观音佛像》

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-28 01:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 04:10


During the reign of Emperor Zhu Zhanji of Xuande in Daming, he ordered the importation of a batch of bronze from Siam, and ordered the court office to design and supervise the bronze and gold Buddha statues. In order to guarantee the quality of gold and bronze Buddha statues, craftsmen have selected dozens of precious metals such as gold and silver, which have been carefully cast together with red copper for more than ten times. The finished golden and bronze Buddha statue has a bright and moist color and falls into the category of "Daming Xuande Annual System". It is really a treasure of Ming Dynasty crafts.


The statue of Guanyin Buddha, made in Xuande, Daming, is 26.4cm high and 2.02kg heavy. It has a plump face, slender eyebrows, long eyes, high nose, thin lips, broad forehead, large ears, solemn and soft expression. The figure is more symmetrical and coordinated, the clothes are light and close to the body, the lines are flowing gently, and the folds turn freely. Bodhisattva, with a rich body and a vase in hand, sits on the pedestal. The pedestal is a girdle-waist-type inverted lotus pedestal. It has a broad shape and wide and fat lotus petals, which are symmetrically distributed in a week. The edges of the clothes are carefully carved and the brass color is the standard color of the Ming Dynasty. Leg decoration is slightly oval pleated, armor and tripping armor are more realistic and vivid, visual effect is very lifelike, is absolutely a collection of great potential and rare religious and cultural collections.


Now the company has the honor to collect this fine Buddha statue. If successful people appreciate this collection, please contact the staff behind the scenes!
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