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Enik的《No Love》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-25 10:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 10:14

歌曲名:No Love
专辑:The Seasons In Between

Simple Plan
No Love
Staring out to the world across the street.
You hate the way your life turned out to be.
He's pulling up the driveway and you don't make a sound.
Cause you always learned to hold the things you want to say.
You're always gonna be afraid.
There's only hate.
There's only tears.
There's only pain.
There is no love here.
So what will you do?
There's only lies.
There's only fear.
There's only pain.
There is no love here.
Broken down like a mirror smashed to pieces.
You learned the hard way to shut your mouth and smile.
If these walls could talk, they would have so much to say.
Cause everytime you fight, the scars are gonna heal.
But they're never gonna go away.
There's only hate.
There's only tears.
There's only pain.
There is no love here.
So what will you do?
There's only lies.
There's only fear.
There's only pain.
There is no love here.
So what will you do?
You're falling.
You're screaming.
You're stuck in the same old nightmare.
He's lying.
You're crying.
There's nothing left to salvage.
Kick the door cause this is over.
Get me out of here!
There's only hate.
There's only tears.
There's only pain.
There is no love here.
So what will you do?
There's only lies.
There's only fear.
There's only pain.
There is no love here.
Tell me what will you do
There's only hate.
There's only tears.
There's only pain.
There is no love here.

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