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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-26 23:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 21:53

Your company provided by the European Bank has 10 out of the face value of 580,000 euros for the BG, its selling price for the 74% +2, the company is the ability to buy the card, your company can assure it of 580,000 euros BG Clear to the holders, such as the 500,000 euros BG holders agreed to the deal project, which was signed agreements, the employee is on the same day that the permit holders are required to provide two annexes: ① "assignment "; ②" authorized inquiry letter "(annex details)
Division I received and confirmed through the SWIFT banking query letter back after the 2 bank working days, will be out of the conditional irrevocable payment instructions (ICBPO), or MTl47/66.
When the issuing bank to receive Division I received instructions to open a bank card payment orders after 9 days to make, with BG the MT-888 sent to me then appointed by the Secretary for access card issuing bank account. Secretary pick banking cards I received in the BG experience and evidence to confirm within 12 hours after the solution of payment instructions to pay the agreed sum.
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