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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 08:55



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 16:46


打开注册表编辑器,展开HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT主键,该主键下列出了Windows中所有文件类型的扩展名称。我们可以找到要添加到“新建”菜单中的文件类型,然后进行修改。下面就以添加关联Outlook Express程序的“.eml”文件为例来说明。

1.首先需要建立一个示例文件。打开Outlook Express,点击“文件→新建邮件”命令,新建一个邮件文件。然后点击“文件→另存为”命令,在“另存为”对话框中,选择保存路径为“C:\Windows”,为该文件命名为“sample.eml”(保存路径和文件名可随意设置)。



4.在桌面上单击鼠标右键,选择“新建”菜单,看看是不是多了一项“Outlook Express Mail Message”,单击该项即可新建一个邮件文件。双击该邮件文件就可以打开Outlook Express的“新邮件”窗口,撰写完邮件后,单击“发送”按钮即可将邮件发送出去。



热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 16:47

你有没有安装那几个软件呀???请你回答 给个答案哈

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 16:47


热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 16:48

* WORDCNT.C - Sample program for the debugging tutorial
* Copyright (c) 1988 Borland International. All rights reserved.
* NOTE: This program is for use with the debugging tutorial
* in the debugging chapter of the User's Guide. It
* intentionally contains bugs.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#define MAXWORDLEN 16
#define NUL ((char)0)
#define SPACE ((char)0x20)

* Find the next word in the line buffer.
* IN: wordptr points to the first character of a word or a preceding
* space.
* RETURN: A pointer to the first character of the word. If there are no
* more words, a pointer to the terminating NUL.
char *nextword(char *wordptr)
/* Advance to the first non-space. */
while ( *wordptr==SPACE )

* Find the length of a word. A word is defined as a sequence of characters
* terminated by a space or a NUL.
* IN: wordptr points to a word.
* RETURN:The length of the word.
int wordlen(char *wordptr)
char *wordlimit;
wordlimit = wordptr;
while ( *wordlimit & *wordlimit!=SPACE )
return( wordlimit-wordptr );

* The main function.
void main(void)
FILE *infile; /* Input file. */
char linebfr[1024], /* Input line buffer, very long for safety. */
*wordptr; /* Pointer to next word in linebfr. */
int i; /* Scratch variable. */
static int wordlencnt[MAXWORDLEN],
/* Word lengths are counted in elements 1 to
MAXWORDLEN. Element 0 isn't used. The array is
static so that the elements need not be set to
zero at run time. */
overlencnt; /* Overlength words are counted here. */

printf("WARNING: This is an example program for the practice\n");
printf("debugging session. If you are not running this under the\n");
printf("Integrated Development Environment press control-break now.\n");
printf("See the debugging chapter of the User's Guide for details.\n\n");

printf( "Enter the input file's name: " );
if ( !strlen(linebfr) ) {
printf( "You must specify an input file name!\n" );

infile = fopen( linebfr, "r" );
if ( !infile ) {
printf( "Can't open input file!\n" );

/* Each loop processes one line. NOTE: if a line is longer than the
input buffer the program may proce invalid results. The very large
buffer makes this unlikely. */
while ( fgets( linebfr, sizeof(linebfr), infile ) ) {
/* Check for buffer overflow & remove the trailing newline. */
i = strlen(linebfr);
if ( linebfr[i-1] != '\n' )
printf( "Overlength line beginning\n\t%70s\n", linebfr );
linebfr[i-1] = NUL;

/* lineptr points to the 1st word in linebfr (past leading spaces). */
wordptr = nextword(linebfr);

/* Each loop processes one word. The loop ends when [nextword]
returns NULL, indicating there are no more words. */
while (*wordptr) {
/* Find the length of this word, increment the proper element of the
length count array, & point to the space following the word. */
i = wordlen(wordptr);
if ( i > MAXWORDLEN )
wordptr += i;

/* Find the next word (if any). */
wordptr = nextword(wordptr);

/* Print the word length counts. Each loop prints one. */
printf( " Length Count\n" );
for ( i=1; i<MAXWORDLEN; i++ )
printf( " %5d %5d\n", i, wordlencnt[i] );
printf( "Greater %5d\n", overlencnt );

/* Close the file & quit. */

热心网友 时间:2022-06-18 16:48

开始/程序(或所有程序)/microsoft office/WORD(或EXCEL)打开,最方便就是把它们发送到桌面一个快捷方式。
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