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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-08 21:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:08

各位评委老师好 我是来自山东济宁的 田倩。 我的身高是 173. 体重50KG 我特别喜欢在空中飞翔的感觉。所以很希望能在贵校的空乘专业有所成就。 我很有意愿报考贵校。 请老师给我一次机会。 祝各位老师身体健康 万事如意。
You judge a good teacher I come from Shandong Jining Qian Tian. My height is 173. Weight 50KG I especially like the feeling of flying in the air. We sincerely hope that your school for flight attendants in the professional sense of achievement. I am very will to apply for your school. Asked the teacher to give me a chance. I wish you all the best for the teacher health

热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:08

Hello,dear teachers/judges!
I am Tianqian from Jining,Shandong.I am 173 centimetres tall and weigh 50 kilograms.I especially like the sense of flying in the sky.Therefore,I hope I can get somewhere in the air-service specialized field of your school.And I am willing to enter myself for an examination to your school.Please give me a chance.I wish all the teachers in good condition and all the best.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:09

You judge a good teacher I come from Shandong Jining Qian Tian. My height is 173. Weight 50KG I especially like the feeling of flying in the air. We sincerely hope that your school for flight attendants in the professional sense of achievement. I am very will to apply for your school. Asked the teacher to give me a chance. I wish you all the best for the teacher health.
(呵呵,QQ269 063 952)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:10

Hello,seated judges!I am Tianqian from Jining,Shandong.I am 173 centimetres tall and weigh 50 kilograms.I especially like the sense of flying in the sky.Therefore,I hope I can get somewhere in the air-service specialized field of your school.And I am willing to enter myself for an examination to your school.Please give me a chance.I wish all the teachers in good condition and all the best.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-04 03:10

Hello,dear teachers/judges!
I'm Tian Qian from Jining,Shandong.I'm 173 cm tall and weighs 50 kg.I like the feeling of flying in the sky.So I
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