发布时间:2022-12-08 09:49
时间:2024-11-30 00:17
Well then,sometimes I reason like this:'As soon as I die,the devils are sure to drag me down to their place with their hooks.' But then I think:'What hooks? What are they made of?Are they iron hooks? If so,where were they forged? Do they have some kind of ironworks down there, or what?' Why,I'm sure the monks in the monastery take it for granted that hell has, for instance, a ceiling. But it would be easier for me to imagine a hell without a ceiling -- that would be more refined, more enlightened, more Lutheran, that is. And what difference does it make whether hell has a ceiling or not? Oh no, it damn well makes all the difference in the world, because if there's no ceiling, there aren't any hooks either, and if there aren't any hooks, then the whole idea goes to pieces. And that too is hard to believe because, if they're not going to drag me down to hell, what justice is there in the world? No, even if they didn't exist, those hooks, il faudrait les inventer, even especially for me, because you can't even begin to imagine, my boy, all the disgraceful things I've done.
il faudrait les inventer:法语,可翻成 we should invent them
上面那段话来自Bantam classic版的The Brothers Karamazov,Andrew R. MacAndrew 翻译。详细出处为:Part one/Book I - A Peculiar Familly History/Chapter four - The Third Son—Alyosha, page27-28。Alyosha告诉老爸Fyodor自己想进修道院,投入Elder Zosima门下,Fyodor简直是浮想联翩,满得意洋洋的发表了上述言论。
把这段话拎出来是因为它令我不由自主地回想起半年前读《神曲》时,我对地狱的构造或者说地狱的存在所做的那些钻尽牛角尖的推理。现在看来,我当时的那些讨论简直像大大剽窃了Dostoevsky,别说论点论据,连论证过程都如出一辙。这惊人的相似让我直冒冷汗。可实际上,Dostoevsky以前绝对不是我喜欢的作家,虽然他的大部头作品中除了这本The Brothers Karamazov之外我都看过,但Crime & Punishment、the Idiot、The Insulted & The Injured等没有令我惊艳,倒是The Possessed让我相信,即便Dostoevsky的作品仅有文笔和构造等技术优势,也足够流芳百世了。如今我却在The Brothers Karamazov里发现我居然还可以和他产生精神共鸣,我想是该重新审视他和他的作品了。不过,目前有个艰巨的任务:长达900多页的英文版The Brothers Karamazov...