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发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-09 15:50



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 17:34

shandong province suffered the first largest power shortage for ten years.It resulted in the limiting of the power on a large scale.
"To ensure all shandong province can receive the Olympic Games ,especially the opening ceremony ,closing ceremony of the live program "
The day before yesterday, the Office of the Shandong provincial government issued an emergency notice,which calling for doing a good job of ensuring electricity supply security work in the power use of urban and rural residents living and an important user of electricity .
Power supply was abundant in Shandong Province is now faced with the predicament of power shortage.
Power supply shortfall close to the province amount to 1 / 3 .

"The province face the greatest 'Electrical Scarcity'in the past 10 years." Yesterday, the Xinhua News Agency reported a case related to the description. Weifang City, local media said the city encountered the past 15 years the largest electricity supply tensions.

"First Financial Daily" understand that now in many parts of Shandong Province, particularly in rural areas, power cuts have become "routine."

"Some time ago, all of a sudden stop for a week.'s Explanation is that the electricity sector caused by lightning." Jining City Yutai County! Yesterday told this reporter.

But this reporter yesterday from the national power grid in Shandong Power Group learned that from the beginning of May this year, Shandong Province began to power restriction. It is now the second large-scale power restriction.
"July 29, the largest shortfall of electricity in Shandong reached 10.22 million kilowatts, nearly one-third of the province's electricity demand." Related to the Shandong Power Group said

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 17:35


热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 17:35

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