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stratified teaching是什么意思

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-05 16:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 00:09

stratified teaching





1. 分层教学

In the process of teaching should seize this three levels, according to the children'spsychological characteristics and indivial differences, stratified teaching, achievetargeted, fully mobilize every student's learning.

stratified teaching是什么意思

stratified teaching 分层教学 双语对照 词典结果:网络释义 1. 分层教学 In the process of teaching should seize this three levels, according to the children'spsychological characteristics and individual differences, stratified teaching, achievetargeted, fully mobilize every student's learning.在教...



小学英语教学短文中译英翻译。在线等。一定不要用软件,否则会出现大 ...

two level polarization is very serious. So this term we should emphasizes the job of the poor students′ conversion. Teacher should towards all the students, the main aim is to develop the student, always put the students' study interesting in the first place, notice the teaching ...


Science school teaching would need to be stratified according to ability and aptitude, since this is more efficient than teaching widely-mixed classes. Different strata of students could be taught from a broadly common curriculum (enabling educational credit accumulation and transfer); but different abi...


Science school teaching would need to be stratified according to ability and aptitude, since this is more efficient than teaching widely-mixed classes. Different strata of students could be taught from a broadly common curriculum (enabling educational credit accumulation and transfer); but different abi...

英语演讲,题目是culture smart or science intelligence

Science school teaching would need to be stratified according to ability and aptitude, since this is more efficient than teaching widely-mixed classes. Different strata of students could be taught from a broadly common curriculum (enabling educational credit accumulation and transfer); but different ...

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