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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-04 17:10



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 20:36


人物: Alex 和 Bob

Flushing the Toilet冲厕所

A: Oh my god, what a stinky smell! Who didn't flush the toilet?
天啊,这么臭气熏天啊? 谁没冲厕所呀?
B: (reading a book silently)(静静地看书)
A: Bob, is that you again?
Bob, 又是你干的好事?
B: what? what about me?
什么? 我又怎么了?
A: You didn't flush the toilet.
B: I did.
A: No. you didn't. The stinky smell is unbearable.
你没有! 这臭气熏天,简直无法忍受.
How could you sit here quietly and read your book as if nothing had happened?
B: I didn't smell anything.
A: I am sure it's you. How could you not smell anything. Go flush the toilet now!
那一定是你干的. 怎么可能什么都闻不到? 快去冲厕所!
B: I remember I did flush it. (He went to the bathroom to flush the toilet.)
A: Don't you ever do that again. That's barbarian.
我警告你以后别再这样啊. 那是非常不文明的行为.
B: well, I'll try to remember. ( Bob is eating some cookies now.)
嗯,我尽量记住. ( Bob 拿起些饼干在吃)
A: Did you wash your hands after you flush the toilet?
B: Do I have to?
A: Oh my god! I think I need to change the room right now..
天啊! 我还是换间寝室好了

1) studying English
A: Hey, Bob.
B: Hi, Tom. What's up?
A: I haven't seen you those days, how's things going?
B: I'm busy in learning English.
A: So, you are enjoying learning English, right? I don't like English at all.
B: Why? It's so interesting and important for it is very useful for our future work.
A: I know it is important but I just don't know how learn it well, you know, I'm bad at it.
B: Come on, if you put your heart in it, I dare say, you can learn it well.
A: Really? Then, would you like to tell me some methods?
B: Surely. When learning English, the only thing you should do is to practise and perseverse. Taht is, you should insist practising your English every day.
A: Just like that?
B: Yes. You shuld know it is not a job as easy as you think.
A: I know.
B: Believe me, the more you learn it, the more you will like it. Because English is really a beautiful and interesting language.
A: Thank you a lot. I wil try my best to learn it. Bye!
B: Bye!

3.school life

A: Hi, could you please give me a hand? These books are too heavy for me.
B: Sure. Are you going to the library?
A: Yes. Thanks a lot, you are so kind. And do you where is nearest bookshop is? I am a freshman so I don't know this city very well.
B: Oh, then you are lucky! I am a sophomore, and I am native to this city. So I can help you. When do you want to go the bookshop? I think I can go with you.
A: That couldn't be better! Thank you!
B: It's my honour to introce my city to you.
A: Then, I'd appreciate it if you can kind enough to tell more about our college.
B: No problem. You know this college is very famous in China for it is a key university. And it has a history of over 100 years.
A: I've heared of that. And one of my town-fellow(老乡)tells me that the shool reading room is always very crowded.
B: That's true! All the students love studying, so if you want to go there to study, you must go very early. And this is the reason why I hurry to the reading room.
A: I see. Here the library is! Thank you again for your help. Could tell your telephone number? If I go to downtown, I will call you.
B: Ok. My number is... Then see you.
A: Bye!


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