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如果我是父母 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-06 19:32



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 12:47

如果我是父母(If I were a parent)

If I were a parent, I wouldn’t always complain that my child don’t understand me. I would try to communicate with her. I would tell her what I did when I was at her age. Child could have her hobby, such as pop music. If I were a parent, I would encourage my child to have fun. The most important thing is I would be a good model for the child, and I would get her respect.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 12:47

If I were a parent, I must be very humor, and I will and my children with games, discussing issues. I will not be a strict parent, but I can do gentle and imaginative of the parents of a child. I will take them to be familiar with the wild at the weekend informative and usually help them solve the difficult problem, I think we must be good friends and I will not always complain about own children, I will respect their privacy and let them have their little world,and I can give own children properrecreation time,and Let the children take me as an example.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 12:48


If I'm a mother,I should be strict with my son,because I want he be a docotor.docotor must very well.so I must be strict.My mother and father an that time will older.I'll take care with them.I'll very busy everday.BE a perense is too diffirent!I'll work everyday....


If i'm a parent,i will give my children a loosen and happy childhood.And won't give them so much homework and so many tutorial classes.We may have already noticed that nowadays the school bags are heavy enough for the students.After school the parents send their children to m...

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