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有一个国外的乐队唱得英文歌歌词是i know you can be my girlfrien

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-28 14:19



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:58


歌名:Right here
roll down the window
i see nothing but the sun
i know i tried to run last night
but now I'm gonna do it right
your eyes are shining
even though we're still so young
i can tell you baby, honestly
i'd rather have you be with me

i know
you can be my girlfriend
i can be your boyfriend
we can get through anything and everything
i know
we can stay together
get through any weather, yeah
no matter what tomorrow brings

oh girl
you're the only one inside of my world
i love it when you whisper into my ear
cause baby if you need me
i'll be right here
baby if you need me
i'll be right here

before i met you
i was just two minus one
somehow something wasn't adding up
my world just didn't have enough
i could never leave you
cause no one can compare
i'm sorry for the stupid lies
i promise that we won't divide

it's just too good to be
kept between you and me
let go of everything
that's holding you holding you down
it feels like yesterday
is gone light years away
i'm falling over and over when you're around

i know
you can be my girlfriend
i know
i can be your boyfriend

oh girl
you're the only one inside of my world
i love it when you whisper into my ear
cause baby if you need me
i'll be right here
baby if you need me
i'll be right here
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