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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-26 03:08



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 03:18

Teenager delinquency is becoming an increasing concern. Some people claim that only lenient sentences can not curb the major crimes, therefore, their punishment should not be differentiated from the alts. However, I can not totally agree to this.

Those who support the same fixed sentence towards both youth and grown-ups argue that without harsh punishment, juveniles would not realize the serious after effect of their behaviour and leave the victims and their families suffering. Simply, the best solution is to treat them like the alt if the crimes they commit are every bit as heinous as alt.

However, adolescents do not have the same physical and mental condition as alt, so applying the same penalty is not reasonable for all situations. The causalities of high criminal rate of teenager rooted deeply in the social environment- family and media influences for example. As the young, some of them are naturally daring and knows no boundaries. If the media presents violent actions as cool, then young people may regard gangster as hero, gain sense of powerful and develop big ego by bullying others or commit severe crimes like robbery or a violent attacks as a result. To radically settle the problem, morals should be taught and the positive way to show off strength should be presented on TV more.

Another reason I think juvenile offenders should not be tried and punished as alt is that there is a chance for rehabilitation. However violent crimes they committed, with alternative ways of punishment or easier sentence, there is much greater possibility for them to reestablish the value, return to normal life and even shift gears to become leader of certain area. Compared with alt criminals, the young ones are more capable of learning from their mistakes. Once they understand the consequences of their behaviour and realize their desired goal of life, they rehabilitate much faster. Conversely, if they are punished the same way as alt, chances are that they become repeat criminals or serial offenders, since they are taught more criminal techniques and their identity of criminal is strengthened when captured in jail.

Although based on rule of justice, heinous acts should be punished regardless of the age, for sake of long term benefit, collaborative efforts of the whole society should be taken to save the juvenile offenders by every possible solution except for equivalent penalty as alt in many instances.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 03:18

Teenager delinquency is becoming an increasing concern. Some people claim that only lenient sentences can not curb the major crimes, therefore, their punishment should not be differentiated from the alts. However, I can not totally agree to this.

Those who support the same fixed sentence towards both youth and grown-ups argue that without harsh punishment, juveniles would not realize the serious after effect of their behaviour and leave the victims and their families suffering. Simply, the best solution is to treat them like the alt if the crimes they commit are every bit as heinous as alt.

However, adolescents do not have the same physical and mental condition as alt, so applying the same penalty is not reasonable for all situations. The causalities of high criminal rate of teenager rooted deeply in the social environment- family and media influences for example. As the young, some of them are naturally daring and knows no boundaries. If the media presents violent actions as cool, then young people may regard gangster as hero, gain sense of powerful and develop big ego by bullying others or commit severe crimes like robbery or a violent attacks as a result. To radically settle the problem, morals should be taught and the positive way to show off strength should be presented on TV more.

Another reason I think juvenile offenders should not be tried and punished as alt is that there is a chance for rehabilitation. However violent crimes they committed, with alternative ways of punishment or easier sentence, there is much greater possibility for them to reestablish the value, return to normal life and even shift gears to become leader of certain area. Compared with alt criminals, the young ones are more capable of learning from their mistakes. Once they understand the consequences of their behaviour and realize their desired goal of life, they rehabilitate much faster. Conversely, if they are punished the same way as alt, chances are that they become repeat criminals or serial offenders, since they are taught more criminal techniques and their identity of criminal is strengthened when captured in jail.

Although based on rule of justice, heinous acts should be punished regardless of the age, for sake of long term benefit, collaborative efforts of the whole society should be taken to save the juvenile offenders by every possible solution except for equivalent penalty as alt in many instances.


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