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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-27 10:03



热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 07:00

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of instry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man's existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over instrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the ecation about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.



热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 07:00

Protect environment(环境保护)

The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially. Also people has been spoiling the health since the immense quantity of chemicals have been proced and already used in pursuit of convenience and various toxic substances have been proced unintentionally and accumulated in environment. Therefore, We need some countermeasures from the viewpoint to prevent the city environment form disaster and to manage environmental risks. So we will develop and improve a new risk management system and a disaster prevention system to preserve and create the city environment where people feel easy and sound in their life.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 07:01

he need to protect our environment is now a critical issue. The effect of Global Warming is having huge impact on our world, with a distinct change in weather where the cold winter is becoming shorter and colder in some places, while the boiling summer is becoming very hot. The weather change has resulted many natural disasters for human, with a sharp rise in sea level, which could potentially flood many Islands and countries, resulting millions of International refugees. We need to protect our environment as global warming is causing many animals to become extinct or significantly decrease in numbers e to the loss of their natural habitat. Consequently, for our own benefit and comfort, we need to act now to protect our environment before it is too late to do so.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-24 07:01


cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever


In recent years, our environment has faced numerous challenges, particularly concerning air, water, and soil pollution. Polluted air poses significant risks to human health, while contaminated water can lead to diseases and even death. Additionally, the rapid expansion of modern cities has...


Nowadays,people are faced with serious problems.One third of the world's people don't have enough clean water.I think water is the most important thing for human beings to live.I suggest we should save water and protect it from pollution.Not only the water,but also the air is...

关于保护环境的英语小作文,80词左右. ,急求英语作文,要带中文翻译 .

In recent years,protecting the environment is becoming more and more important to the whole human beings.(近年来,环保越来越受到全人类的重视) It is everyone's duty to do someting good to the environment around us.(保护好我们周边的环境是我们每一个人的职责)As middle school students,...

急求 关于环境保护的英语作文 是申请加入保护组织的申请信形式的 要写...

earth is our home .地球是我们的家,所以,我们应该保护环境。在日常生活中,我们可以做很多事。比如:我经常看到别人摘花在公园里。我认为这是会让人觉得很烦。有些人在草 地上走。这些都是很破坏环境。请节约能源,不摘花,不要乱扔垃圾,不要踩到草地上,你也可以关掉灯,因为,地球 是我们的家。




200分 急求250字英语小作文一篇 My Father My father is a kind man,He works very hard and his services are highly appreciated.My father is a policeman. He is tall and strong. He looks very cool in the black police uniform. He works in the police station and he is very busy every day....


Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive.We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, ...


1. Everyone all knows that environment is important to us.每个人都知道环境对我们来说很重要。Sometimes bad environment is bad for our health.有时,不好的环境有害我们的健康。So don’t throw some bottles around,please.因此请不要乱扔瓶子 Don’t throw any paper about.不要乱扔纸片。...

急求英语作文 :提示“环境污染是当今世界上最大的问题,根据提示,请...

On on hand, it is universally acknowledged that no one can survive without clean water. Our body is consisted of up to 70 percent of water and the 3 quarters of the earth's surface is covered by it.The amount of drinking water, on the other hand, is decreasing at a ...

有关于保护环境的英语作文 写一篇关于环保的英语作文 保护环境的重要性英语作文 保护环境英语作文初一 如何保护我们的环境英语作文 保护环境英语作文60 保护环境优秀英语作文 保护环境从我做起英语作文 英语作文保护环境50字
...总是被情所困?要怎么样才能控制自己,对他不要那么在呼? 关于@synchronized,你所不知道的事情 怎么样才算得上熟悉多线程编程? 大学期间,有必要考驾照吗 酸奶怎么做奶酪 酸奶:奶酪 一个女人的在保安室用掐带把男保安勒死了这是什么电影 开场就是一个老头被钢绳给勒死,那是啥电影 鱼城镇下辖村 顾楼村位于哪个市 用人单位单方解除劳动合同赔偿标准是什么 2#楼22层悬挑层未满封什么意思 预防接种宣传周活动工作总结 own的三种词性是哪些 市场部客服岗位职责优秀范本 金鱼夏天怎么养 夏季怎么养金鱼 龙门峡谷的门票信息 被微信封了,怎么解封? 封了15天怎么解封? 微信被封怎么处理能解封 被封号后如何解封 UPS和蓄电池的检测报告 封了怎么解封 怎么解封微信账号 人类的最高理想 是什么 请把自己的想法说下,不要复制其他地方的, 最理想的生活是什么样子? 20平米左右的房间,一个3千瓦的暖风机,再加上一个9千瓦暖风机取暖效果好不好? 20平方的房间用什么取暖器效果比较好 南方,20平的房间用暖风机好还是油酊? linux可移植性 男士羽绒服一定要是长款的,本人身高195,有什么牌子的,一直找不到,大家帮个忙,如果是网上的请帖上链接 瓦里安ICP软件激活码912082693@qq.com 今晚cba有几场比赛 姚明获得了多少金牌 钢化铝水壶有毒吗 壶口瀑布优秀作文 徐工机械股研究报告?徐工机械除权除息?徐工机械可以长线吗? 徐工机械为什么那么便宜?徐工机械投资研究报告?000425徐工机械股牛叉? 建投能源市值怎么这么大?建投能源可能涨到多少?建投能源股票分红派送? 课前新颖的向老师问好 有创意的 比如“高考没烦恼 张老师您好” 这种押韵的 还要贴近学习 在一个jsp中怎么调用另一个jsp 怎么将一个数据从一个jsp中传到另外一个jsp页面中 如果一根1米长的绳子能捆10根甘蔗,那么3米长的绳子能捆多少根甘蔗 完好无缺的意思 从1、0、3、5这四个数中,任意选择三个数组成一个三位数,这样的三位数中,质数有几个? 在自然数中,最小的自然数是(),最小的奇数是(),最小的偶数是(),最小的质数是(),最小的合数()。 有没有猩球崛起3百度云谢谢了 非金合金变压器有什么特点? Css div为什么ABC处用height:33%,不好使,无论怎么调ABC的高度比例,都没有变化 在CSS里设置高度为什么没有效果?div.at{width: 30%; height: 10%; border: 1px solid; } 现任跟我前任性格很像,我俩承诺要一直在一起,可是我和前任也这么说过我害怕她也和前任一样抛弃我? 我把对前任所有的爱都转移到现任这里了,因为我现任长的像前任,而我也把她当前任。