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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-25 16:35



热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 11:47

罗马第94任教皇, 保罗一世(St.paulⅠ) 757-767 。

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Paul_I (英文)

Pope Paul I was pope from May 29, 757- June 28, 767. He first appears as a Roman deacon and was frequently employed by his brother, Pope Stephen II, in negotiations with the Lombard kings.

After Stephen's death (April 26, 757) Paul prevailed over a faction that wanted to place the Archdeacon Theophylact on the Holy See and was chosen his brother's successor by the majority that wished a continuation of the late pope's policy. The new pope's reign was dominated by his relations with the Frankish and Lombard kings and with the Eastern emperor. He adopted an independent tone in informing the exarch in Ravenna of his election, but wrote to Pepin that the Frankish alliance should be maintained unimpaired, being forced to this course by the attitude of the Lombard king, Desiderius. The latter held the cities of Imola, Osimo, Bologna, and Ancona, which were claimed by Rome, and in 758 seized upon the chies of Spoleto and Benevento.

The same year he visited Rome and compelled Paul to write to Pepin asking him to concede all the Lombard claims except that to Imola; another letter of exactly opposite tenor was sent by the same messenger. Pepin found it advisable to maintain good relations with Desiderius, and Paul accomplished nothing by his double-dealing. Later, however, Pepin gave the pope some support and acted as arbiter between the Roman and Lombard claims.

In 765 the papal privileges were restored in Beneventine and Tuscan territory and partially in Spoleto. Meanwhile, the alienation from Byzantium grew greater. Several times, especially in 759, Paul feared that the Greek emperor would send an armament against Rome; and he lived in continual dread lest Byzantine machinations turn the Frankish influence in favor of the Lombards. This was actually attempted, but Pepin held to his original Italian policy.

Paul died June 28, 767.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 11:48


热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 11:48

“约翰-保罗二世 (John Paul II)是当时能跨越东西方的鸿沟的完美教皇人选来。他不仅是第一个非意大利裔的教皇,更重要的是他当时来自冷战‘铁幕’之后的*党国家,”《即将到来的天主教会(The Coming CatholicChurch)》一书的作者大卫·吉布森(David Gibson)说. 约翰-保罗二世生于波兰,原名卡罗尔·沃伊蒂瓦,在1978年当选为教皇,是450年内第一位非意大利裔的教皇。他于2005年4月2日去世。 约翰-保罗二世 (John Paul II)首先对于稳定罗马教廷功不可没。他的前任约翰-保罗一世仅仅就任34天就谢世于自己的睡床,在这之前,保罗六世在其统治最后六年中郁郁寡欢而不问世事。就在罗马教廷的声望岌岌可危之际,约翰-保罗二世就任,为失落中的罗马指明了一个发展方向。只是这是很多美国人不甚同意的一个方向。很多美国人希望罗马教廷能够更灵活和开放,约翰-保罗二世并不愿意屈从于这样的期望,改变自己的主张,而他在教皇宝位上一坐即为27年。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 11:47

罗马第94任教皇, 保罗一世(St.paulⅠ) 757-767 。

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Paul_I (英文)

Pope Paul I was pope from May 29, 757- June 28, 767. He first appears as a Roman deacon and was frequently employed by his brother, Pope Stephen II, in negotiations with the Lombard kings.

After Stephen's death (April 26, 757) Paul prevailed over a faction that wanted to place the Archdeacon Theophylact on the Holy See and was chosen his brother's successor by the majority that wished a continuation of the late pope's policy. The new pope's reign was dominated by his relations with the Frankish and Lombard kings and with the Eastern emperor. He adopted an independent tone in informing the exarch in Ravenna of his election, but wrote to Pepin that the Frankish alliance should be maintained unimpaired, being forced to this course by the attitude of the Lombard king, Desiderius. The latter held the cities of Imola, Osimo, Bologna, and Ancona, which were claimed by Rome, and in 758 seized upon the chies of Spoleto and Benevento.

The same year he visited Rome and compelled Paul to write to Pepin asking him to concede all the Lombard claims except that to Imola; another letter of exactly opposite tenor was sent by the same messenger. Pepin found it advisable to maintain good relations with Desiderius, and Paul accomplished nothing by his double-dealing. Later, however, Pepin gave the pope some support and acted as arbiter between the Roman and Lombard claims.

In 765 the papal privileges were restored in Beneventine and Tuscan territory and partially in Spoleto. Meanwhile, the alienation from Byzantium grew greater. Several times, especially in 759, Paul feared that the Greek emperor would send an armament against Rome; and he lived in continual dread lest Byzantine machinations turn the Frankish influence in favor of the Lombards. This was actually attempted, but Pepin held to his original Italian policy.

Paul died June 28, 767.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 11:48


热心网友 时间:2023-09-11 11:48

“约翰-保罗二世 (John Paul II)是当时能跨越东西方的鸿沟的完美教皇人选来。他不仅是第一个非意大利裔的教皇,更重要的是他当时来自冷战‘铁幕’之后的*党国家,”《即将到来的天主教会(The Coming CatholicChurch)》一书的作者大卫·吉布森(David Gibson)说. 约翰-保罗二世生于波兰,原名卡罗尔·沃伊蒂瓦,在1978年当选为教皇,是450年内第一位非意大利裔的教皇。他于2005年4月2日去世。 约翰-保罗二世 (John Paul II)首先对于稳定罗马教廷功不可没。他的前任约翰-保罗一世仅仅就任34天就谢世于自己的睡床,在这之前,保罗六世在其统治最后六年中郁郁寡欢而不问世事。就在罗马教廷的声望岌岌可危之际,约翰-保罗二世就任,为失落中的罗马指明了一个发展方向。只是这是很多美国人不甚同意的一个方向。很多美国人希望罗马教廷能够更灵活和开放,约翰-保罗二世并不愿意屈从于这样的期望,改变自己的主张,而他在教皇宝位上一坐即为27年。
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