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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-26 15:24



热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 22:29

Guangzhou eagle tenghui trade Co., LTD was founded in 2004, is a comprehensive import-export trade enterprise, subordinates
Three factories, professional inflatable procts, proction of leisure procts, inflatable boats, etc, and vigorously develop furniture color printing
The bathroom, kitchen utensils, network equipment, medical, lighting, building, etc. Series of procts of trade cooperation associates.
Company now already with the United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan, India, Iran, and dozens of countries
Area established close economic and trade exchanges and information distribution mechanism, the proctive trade contacts, and established
The good cooperation relations, improve the enterprise well-knownness, the overseas market at home and abroad, and enhanced international

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 22:29

Guangzhou eagle tenghui trade Co., LTD was founded in 2004, is a comprehensive import-export trade enterprise, subordinates

Three factories, professional inflatable procts, proction of leisure procts, inflatable boats, etc, and vigorously develop furniture color printing

The bathroom, kitchen utensils, network equipment, medical, lighting, building, etc. Series of procts of trade cooperation associates.
Company now already with the United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan, India, Iran, and dozens of countries

Area established close economic and trade exchanges and information distribution mechanism, the proctive trade contacts, and established

The good cooperation relations, improve the enterprise well-knownness, the overseas market at home and abroad, and enhanced international


热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 22:30

Guangzhou, and the trade ltd was established in 2004, he is a 综合型 the own business, trade within three factory, proce a proct or inflatable boat, leisure goods, colour printed matter to the bathroom, furniture, kitchen utensils, network equipment, medical and lanterns, lamp decoration, the building for joint ventures and trade cooperation.Company is now with the united states, canada, brazil, japan, india, iran and dozens of countries and the region established a close economic and trade exchanges and information distribution mechanism. the trade, and established good cooperation relation to the overseas markets, the world market and enhance enterprises competitive. international

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 22:30

Guangzhou Ying Teng Trade Co., Ltd. was established in 2004, is a comprehensive import and export trading company,three subordinate factories, specialized in procing inflatable procts, inflatable boats and other recreational procts, color printing,
Major expansion of bathroom furniture, kitchen appliances, networking equipment, medical, lighting, construction and other procts of the cooperative joint venture trade.
The company now has with the United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan, India,Iran, dozens of countries and regions have established close economic and trade contacts and information flow memechanisms,
concted fruitful trade and established good cooperative relations, enhance the company's overseas reputation,expand the overseas market, enhance the international competitiveness of enterprises.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-16 22:31

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