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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 07:37



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 19:29

1. Preparation
The key to making a good first impression occurs before your appearance at some occasion. Be clear on your objectives and what you want to get out of each event. I recommend doing some research on the keynote speaker and other attendees which will equip you with some knowledge upfront. Double check where the venue is, whether there is car parking and what time it starts. Being caught out by going to the wrong venue will not only be embarrassing, it will not get you off to a good start!

2. Presentation
Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the occasion and that you have put one hundred percent effort into getting it right. I always recommend wearing a suit for a business function as this creates a professional impression upfront. It is taken for granted that good grooming includes personal hygiene and cleanliness. Tailor your dress for the occasion. Don’t wear anything you aren’t totally confident in. Looking good and feeling good will increase your confidence and help make an impact.

3. Introction and conversation
A firm and confident hand shake is fundamental to making a good impression, and appear confident when introcing yourself. Try something like, ‘Hi my name is Nicole Underwood, it’s a pleasure to meet you’. Using someone’s name three times in the first five minutes of meeting them will help you remember their name. Try, ‘Nice to meet you John, so what line of work are you in?’ To get a conversation flowing, ask open-ended questions and listen. If you are actively listening to the information you are receiving, it makes it a lot easier to have a natural follow on discussion. Networking protocol is about having good manners. So, don’t aggressively sell yourself or your business when you first meet someone. Swapping business cards, ideas, information and having something interesting to say (from your research and preparation) will all make sure you are remembered.

4. Follow up
One of the most important aspects is making a lasting impression. Following up your contacts can involve sending a card, email, information, or a phone call. My advice – make some key notes after the event to ensure you remember any finer points about your conversation.

Good first impressions last! I now have a fantastic network of people who are valuable connections not only in the business world, but in life.

Remember, you have 30 seconds to make an impact!
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