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根据题目“A visit to the People's Park”及提示写一篇英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-15 06:41



热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 08:27

the people's park is one of the biggest parks in my city, which is far away from my home. last sundaymike and i went to visit the park . we first took the subway in our town, and then took the bus to arrive at the park. in the park, we went boating, climbed the hill, watched the old people playing tai ji in the square and took part in the game. it was a really nice visit and we planned to go to visit it from time to time!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 08:28

k~ let me try

Last saturday i paid a visit to the museum. Why did i go to museum? haha, coz i was asked to go to museum in my essay topic. So, here comes the story line:

the museum was huge! i saw a big crowed of people in a circle, but i couldn't see a thing! so i pushed through the sea of people and saw a dinosaur fossil standing 10 meters tall!(i know it's a bit fake, but who cares~~this is for fun, don't take it so seriously) Before i could stand still, i heard a loud scream from my back. Then i saw people start running away from where i was standing. I said to myself "what the hell's going on? did i get off my bed from the wrong side today?"
keeping the question in mind, i went home... Then i found a small bug (the one u normally see in mummy return, ha) hanging on my neck collar...

done, that's the end of my story. don't want to make it too long. hope u guys enjoy it.
feel free write on with my ending, haha
use ur imagination

hope this helps (maybe not)

热心网友 时间:2024-11-04 08:28

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