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That Should Be Me 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-17 23:05



热心网友 时间:2024-10-27 22:33

歌曲名:That Should Be Me
歌手:Justin Bieber
专辑:Never Say Never - The Remixes

That Should Be Me
Justin Bieber
everybodys laughin in my mind
rumors spreadin about this other guy
do you do what you did when you did with me
does he love you the way i can
did you forget all the plans that you made with me
cuz baby i didnt
that should be me, holdin your hand
that should be me, makin you laugh
that should be me, this is so sad
that should be me, that should be me
that should be me feelin' your kiss
that should be me, buyin you gifts
this is so wrong, i cant go on
do you believe
that that should be me
that should be me
said you needed a little time from my mistakes
its funny how you used that time to have me replaced
did you think that i wouldnt see you out at the movies
what cha doin' to me?
your taking him where we used to go
now if your trying to break my heart?
its workin, cuz you know
that should be me, holdin your hand
that should be me, makin you laugh
that should be me, this is so sad
that should be me, that should be me
that should be me feelin' your kiss
that should be me, buyin you gifts
this is so wrong, i cant go on
do you believe
that should be me
i need to know should i fight for love
or disarm its getting harder to shield
this pain is my heart
that should be me, holdin' your hand
that should be me, makin' you laugh
that should be me, this is so sad
that should be me, that should be me
that should be me feelin' your kiss
that should be me, buyin' you gifts
this is so wrong, i can't go on
do you believe
that that should be me
Holdin' your hand
That should be me
Makin' you laugh oh baby oh
That should be me
That should be me
Giving you fowler
That should be me
Talking bout our
That should be me
That should be me
That should be me
Never should let you go
I never should let you go
That should be me

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