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zend framework的插入时,使用数组的问题

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-23 16:59



热心网友 时间:2024-11-15 13:57

* Inserts a new row.
* @param array $data Column-value pairs.
* @return mixed The primary key of the row inserted.
public function insert(array $data)

* Zend_Db_Table assumes that if you have a compound primary key
* and one of the columns in the key uses a sequence,
* it's the _first_ column in the compound key.
$primary = (array) $this->_primary;
$pkIdentity = $primary[(int)$this->_identity];

* If this table uses a database sequence object and the data does not
* specify a value, then get the next ID from the sequence and add it
* to the row. We assume that only the first column in a compound
* primary key takes a value from a sequence.
if (is_string($this->_sequence) && !isset($data[$pkIdentity])) {
$data[$pkIdentity] = $this->_db->nextSequenceId($this->_sequence);
$pkSuppliedBySequence = true;

* If the primary key can be generated automatically, and no value was
* specified in the user-supplied data, then omit it from the tuple.
* Note: this checks for sensible values in the supplied primary key
* position of the data. The following values are considered empty:
* null, false, true, '', array()
if (!isset($pkSuppliedBySequence) && array_key_exists($pkIdentity, $data)) {
if ($data[$pkIdentity] === null // null
|| $data[$pkIdentity] === '' // empty string
|| is_bool($data[$pkIdentity]) // boolean
|| (is_array($data[$pkIdentity]) && empty($data[$pkIdentity]))) { // empty array

* INSERT the new row.
$tableSpec = ($this->_schema ? $this->_schema . '.' : '') . $this->_name;
$this->_db->insert($tableSpec, $data);

* Fetch the most recent ID generated by an auto-increment
* or IDENTITY column, unless the user has specified a value,
* overriding the auto-increment mechanism.
if ($this->_sequence === true && !isset($data[$pkIdentity])) {
$data[$pkIdentity] = $this->_db->lastInsertId();

* Return the primary key value if the PK is a single column,
* else return an associative array of the PK column/value pairs.
$pkData = array_intersect_key($data, array_flip($primary));
if (count($primary) == 1) {
return current($pkData);

return $pkData;
}追问我貌似没看到将$data 转换的函数呀~~~~
$data = array(
'noble_title' => 'King',
'first_name' => 'Arthur',
转换成 'noble_title="king" and first_name="Arthur"';

追答if (!isset($pkSuppliedBySequence) && array_key_exists($pkIdentity, $data)) {
if ($data[$pkIdentity] === null // null
|| $data[$pkIdentity] === '' // empty string
|| is_bool($data[$pkIdentity]) // boolean
|| (is_array($data[$pkIdentity]) && empty($data[$pkIdentity]))) { // empty array

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