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人民币升值对中美钢铁贸易影响的分析 求翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-24 04:00



热心网友 时间:2024-11-18 12:14

RMB appreciation on Sino-US steel trade impact analysis

Along with economic globalization, the trend of integration of the world, the appreciation of the RMB voice is growing. Faced with the pressure of the appreciation of the renminbi, the Chinese Government in 2007 on the RMB exchange rate policy has made a series of adjustments to adapt to the development of globalization. At the same time, China's foreign trade has also shown a scale of the changes. Especially the United States in the second half of 2007 the overall economic downturn, the appreciation of the renminbi will undoubtedly bring Sino-US bilateral trade enormous impact on the Sino-US trade friction between the emergence of a new spark. Following the trade friction in textiles, iron and steel Sino-US trade has become a new point of conflict.
In this context, this paper quoted J-curve theory of the exchange rate on a trade to focus on the impact of the appreciation of the renminbi and other factors on Sino-US steel trade will bring about change. Sino-US steel trade exposed the face of the new Spark, the Chinese government promptly adjust policies from the Government, the respective enterprises to find new suitable for the development of China's iron and steel trade measures.

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