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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-22 04:40



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:38

My name is XXX. I obtained my graate degree in the Management Department of the Jilin University. With Information management as my major, I am equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills for working in various instries. It is a tool which can be applied in different areas, and is an advantage for me to enter the communications and transportation field.

As the Chairman of the Student Union, I help fellow students with their difficulties frequently. My communication and interpersonal skills are also improved ring the period. With great attention to details, I always try my best to complete each task.

As for my hobbies, I like reading the most. I am interested in books on various topics, not only those concerning my major, but also literature, history, etc. I can learn a lot from books, and am glad to apply what I learn from books in my life.

In addition, my weak point is English. Actually, it took me a lot of time and energy to prepare this self introction. Nevertheless, I believe I can improve a lot with my efforts and determination in a short time.

Thank you.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:39

My name is ***. School of Management, Jilin University, I completed my university studies. My specialty is information management. My specialty has wide compatibility, it can be used as a tool used in various fields, this is my profession to transport an advantage.
As President of our college students, I often help students to solve real problems, while working to improve their skills. I have a meticulous this quality, and I always do my best to complete the transaction.
And I want to talk about my hobbies, my favorite hobbies is reading. I read the book involves many areas, including my professional knowledge, literature, history and more. I learned from the book of knowledge, and are willing to use this knowledge to guide the practice of my life.
As a supplement, my weaknesses is my general level of English. In fact, the preparation of this brief self-introction is I spent a lot of energy. But I believe I will progress in the short term.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:39

My name is XXX. I obtained my graate degree in the Management Department of the Jilin University. With Information management as my major, I am equipped with the relevant knowledge and skills for working in various instries. It is a tool which can be applied in different areas, and is an advantage for me to enter the communications and transportation field.

As the Chairman of the Student Union, I help fellow students with their difficulties frequently. My communication and interpersonal skills are also improved ring the period. With great attention to details, I always try my best to complete each task.

As for my hobbies, I like reading the most. I am interested in books on various topics, not only those concerning my major, but also literature, history, etc. I can learn a lot from books, and am glad to apply what I learn from books in my life.

In addition, my weak point is English. Actually, it took me a lot of time and energy to prepare this self introction. Nevertheless, I believe I can improve a lot with my efforts and determination in a short time.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:40

My name is * * *. I in jilin university college of management to finish my college. My major is information management. My major has wide compatibility, it can serve as a tool used in every field, this is I came to transportation professional an advantage.
As we college student association President, I often help the classmates to solve practical difficulties, while at work have improved their ability. I have a meticulous this quality, and I always try to do his best to finish affairs.
And I want to talk about my hobbies, my biggest hobby is reading. I read the book covers many fields, including my professional knowledge, literature, history, etc. I learn knowledge from books, and very happy to use this knowledge to guide my life practice.
As a supplement, my weakness is my English level in general. In fact, ready to this is a brief self-introction took me quite a lot of energy. But I believe I will make progress in the short term

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 06:40

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