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急 在线等 有关初中生早恋的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-20 14:49



热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 01:56

when you write this kind of article , you should consider two aspects,for example:the advantages and the disadvantages.the last ,you should show your own ideas.
About the puppy love in junior,different people have different ideas.some people think that the puppy love is harmful to ones studdy , they think that when students fall in love with somebody,they have no time and no sprite to studdy,so their achievements will not catch up to other students.so they disagree with the puppy love .
And some people think that when students are in the puppy love ,it will not influence their achievements , they think that when people is in puppy love ,they can help each other ,so they can make progress together .
In my opinion , the puppy love may be harmful to me , but it may be good to others. so one should be careful to the puppy .

热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 01:57

when you write this kind of article , you should consider two aspects,for example:the advantages and the disadvantages.the last ,you should show your own ideas.
About the puppy love in junior,different people have different ideas.some people think that the puppy love is harmful to ones studdy , they think that when students fall in love with somebody,they have no time and no sprite to studdy,so their achievementsnot catch up to other students.so they disagree with the puppy love .
And some people think that when students are in the puppy love ,achievements , they think that when people is in puppy love ,they can help each other ,so they can make progress together .
In my opinion , the puppy love may be harmful to me , but it may be good to othersne should be careful to the puppy .

热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 01:57

Nowadays, lots of students fall in puppy love with each other. It is common that a student has its own girl friend or boy friend. They think it is proud. However, puppy love will bring a lot of disadvantages. It can lead to result in not being interested in study cause it can distract their atteantion from learning knowlege. It may have bad effect on not only the students who fall in love with each other but also their classmates. We should try to socialize with the opposite sex school mates formally.

热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 01:58

A girl and a boy make love then they have babby but they don't get maride that all

热心网友 时间:2024-08-16 01:58

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