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有一首英文歌曲 他的副歌部分是 杠头书拍美拉,美拉美拉美拉~~~是什么歌曲

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-19 21:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 22:42

Home Is In Your Eyes - Greyson Chance
My heart beats a little bit slower

These nights are a little bit colder

Now that you're gone

My skies seem a little bit darker

Sweet dreams come a little bit harder.....

I hate when you're gone.

Everyday time is passing

growing tired of all this traffic

Take me away to where you are..

I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by
the tire swings where we used to be

baby you and me

I'd travel a thousand miles

Just so I can see you smile

Feels so far away when you cry

Cause home is in your eyes

Your heart beats a little bit faster

There's tears where there used to be laughter...

Now that I'm gone....

You talk just a little bit softer

Things take just a little bit longer..

You hate that I'm gone..

Everyday time is passing

growing tired of all this travelling

Take me away to where you are..

I wanna be holding your hand in the sand by
the tire swings where we used to be

baby you and me

I'd travel a thousand miles

Just so I can see you smile

Feels so far away when you cry

Cause home is in your eyes

If I could write another ending

This wouldn't even be our song

I'd find a way where we would
never ever be apart

Right from the start

I wanna be holding your
hand in the sand by
the tire swings where we used to be

baby you and me

I'd travel a thousand miles

Just so I can see you smile

Feels so far away when you cry

Cause home is in your eyes

I wanna be holding your
hand in the sand by
the tire swings where we used to be

baby you and me

I'd travel a thousand miles
Just so I can see you smile

Feels so far away when you cry

Cause home is in your eyes
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