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75X76分之1X77。【求用简便运算!】 用过程

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-03 09:18



热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 22:51


热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 22:52

= -1/76

热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 22:52

Who is the person I love most?Somebody who teaches us knowledge gives us teachers' love.Somebody who makes friends with us gives us friends' love.Who is the person I love most?I think my parents are the persons I love most (because they give me three valuable things.Firstly,they give me the best living materials such as food,drink,warm clothes and even some toys.When my birthday comes,they say,%26quot;Happy birthday %26quot;to me,and buy some presents for me.When I get the highest mark,they encourage me and also tell me not to be proud,and sometimes buy me some useful books.Secondly,they teach me knowledge.They help me a lot with my study and never become angry with me as long as I try my best in the examinations.They also introce the mysterious world to me such as what the sky is,what the stars are.They also teach me a special thing that is how to be a man.Lastly,the most important thing they give me is love.During the course of my growth,I can feel it all the time.When I was ill,they tried to hide their anxiety and at the same time tried to make me happy.When I came to this English competition,they said:%26quot;I hope you will be the best one.%26quot;I think this is love.Family is just like a big classroom with two alt teachers and a little student.Family is just like a house full of love and friendship.This is my family.These are three valuable things my parents give me.I hope every child will give his love in return for his parents' love.I do hope so.
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