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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-03 03:34



热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:43

In the present time, the involvement of a third party in a marriage has become a formidable social problem. (或 a social problem that cannot be ignored)
Following the increasing divorce rate each year, how many loving couples have become (turned) strangers,
and how many innocent children have been hurt by this betrayal of love and feelings,
Many people do express their objectionableness and abomination,
What is horrifying and regrettable is that there is no clear clauses/provision in law in our Marriage Ordinance/Law to penalise these offenders or intruders
Therefore the author intends to discuss and deliberate on these problems. Why should we hold the third parties the responsiblities by law ? How should we make law or legalise and provide a law to prevent such tragedies from happening.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:44

Present ages, "the third party gain a place" has become a social problem that can't be small to see.Year by year rises along with the divorce rate, have how much loving husband and wife the feeling break righteousness cut off, form together stranger, but have again how much innocent kid, encounter heartless injury and stroke in storm of this emotion.Everyone all deeply bad to "third party" pain unique, hate to the bone, but what to give people a chill BE, unexpectedly have no explicit item to punish in the our country of the marriage method thus of despicable, but this have to say that is a very big regret.
Hence, the this text author intends to inquiry into these problems together with you, we why exactly want to pursue the law responsibility of third party, what are our basises ?We how pursue their responsibilities again, and from now on lawmaking how should be perfect, we have again how of way to prevent°from the occurrence of this tragedy?
The problem add:Notice, oneself turns over, never turn over with any software, I this is the graation thesis, have very high request, you turn over me to see out while see with the software, is will not give cent, oneself only turn over well of I just give a cent.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:44

Present ages, "the third party gain a place" have become a society problem that can't be small to see.Along with divorce rate of year by year ascension, have how much loving husband and wife the feeling break righteousness unique, form together stranger, but again have how much innocence of kid, encounter in this the emotion of storm heartless of injury and stroke.Everyone all to"third party" deep bad pain unique, hate to the bone, but what to give people a chill BE, in the our country of the marriage method, unexpectedly have no explicit of item to punishment so of despicable, but this have to say that is 1 very big of regret.
Hence, this text author plan with you come to study together these problem, we why exactly want to pursue the law responsibility of third party, what be our basises ?We how pursue their responsibilities again, and aftertime lawmaking how should be perfect, we again have how of way to prevention this tragedy of occurrence?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:45

Present ages, "the third party gain a place" has become a social problem that can't be small to see.Year by year rises along with the divorce rate, have how much loving husband and wife the feeling break righteousness cut off, form together stranger, but have again how much innocent kid, encounter heartless injury and stroke in storm of this emotion.Everyone all deeply bad to "third party" pain unique, hate to the bone, but what to give people a chill BE, unexpectedly have no explicit item to punish in the our country of the marriage method thus of despicable, but this have to say that is a very big regret.
Hence, the this text author intends to inquiry into these problems together with you, we why exactly want to pursue the law responsibility of third party, what are our basises ?We how pursue their responsibilities again, and from now on lawmaking how should be perfect, we have again how of way to prevent°from the occurrence of this tragedy?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-27 14:46

The current era, the involvement of a "third party" in a marriage has become a social problem that cannot be ignored.With the divorce rate increased year by year,there are some how many affectionate couples just absolutely broken situation and become strangers, and some how many innocent children been hurt by this betrayal of love and feelings.Everybody abhor and hate the "third party".What chilling is that there is not a clear clauses in our Marriage Law to penalise such ugliness,this is not alternative to say that it is a very big regret.
Therefore, the author of this article intends to explore these issues with you together, why do we want to investigate the third party's legal liability, and what is our basis by law? How should we investigate their responsibilities, how as well as should we consummate the future legislation,and what approach do we have to prevent this tragedy from happening?
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