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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-30 10:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:24

1. It is considered to be rude by the westerner making the sound when eating.
2. Lifting your head, you will make the customer feel being welcomed.
3. We should encourage the youths of the different country to show friendship, not hostility.
4. The scientists warn the people of the Global Warming Crisis.
5. World leaders advised the president to give up the hostility.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:25

1, food was the West that is the sound rude (rude)
2, lift your head, you will make customers feel welcome (feel)
3, the youth of different countries should be encouraged to be friendly, not hostile (encourage)
4, scientists warned the danger of global warming (warn)
5, the leaders who advise the president to give up the hostile (advise)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:25

Westerners think it is rudely to make noise when you are eating.
Raise your head, and you will make customers feel welcome.
We should encourage different countries youth friendly, rather than hostility.
Scientists warn people global warming danger.
World leaders to persuade the President abandon hostility.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 01:26

1 According to westerners,it is rude to make noise when you are eating.
2 Customers will feel hospitality if you raise your head.
3 It is encourgeable for the young to be friendly to counterparts from other countries.
4 Scientists warn people about the danger of global warming.
5 Leaders of countries advised that present should give up hostility.

1, told me the matter about Spring Festival 2, to celebrate Grandma's birthday 3, hold a party on the afternoon of May 1st 4. Knock on the door 5. To give them some chocolate as a hospitality 6, make fun of these children 7, play the game called "Big heart risk"8,...


What's for tonight? -- Nothing.--- 为什么不一起去看电影呢? --- 好主意.Why don't we go together for a movie? --- Good idea.2. 在会上,你们可以自由发表意见.Please feel free to air your opinions at the meeting.3. 难道你不能改掉旧习惯吗? ( break away from)Cannot you...


Xiao Li is on the way and you'll have to wait a little longer.


1、can you apply what you learn from chemistry lessons to solve the problem?你能运用化学课所学到的东西解决这个问题吗?(apply)2、The government will take effecitive measures to controll air pollution next year.政府明年会采取有效措施控制空气污染(take effective measures)3、Hery find tha...


1. It is considered to be rude by the westerner making the sound when eating.2. Lifting your head, you will make the customer feel being welcomed.3. We should encourage the youths of the different country to show friendship, not hostility.4. The scientists warn the people of...


still bring a dictionary 还拿着词典呢?Nope 木有 We don't need it 我们不需要它 because you keep kissing and hug hug hug 因为你一直亲啊抱啊~~(抱个没完。。)I think I guess right 我想我猜对了。。I will not talk with u any more. No more 我不理你了。。不想了。。


3. Respect for teachers 4. Teachers are tools.5. Teachers have no responsibility for your success or failure, they just help you.二 1. Take the exam 2. Cheating in the exam 3. be friendly to sb.三 You should have tied yourself with……四。1.C 2.C 相信我吧,我是英语...


I'll try my best to fulfil what I have promised you 我将会尽全力来实现对你的承诺 I'll try my best to fulfil what I have promised you 请相信我 I'll fight for the future 我会为将来而奋斗 I think I have already fallen in love with u 我想,我已经准备好与你相爱了!=== ...


【翻译】:First of all ,I am so sorry to bring you so much inconvenience because of my laziness. Therefore , I will finish doing this activity all by myself . Well, I know that my English is not very good .So if I make any mistakes , I hope you can understand and ...


Beginning this month, customers will substantially increase the volume of production, in order to timely delivery, but also trouble you to do as soon as possible for the dealer price on the system.经销商的信息如下: Dealer the following information:...

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