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急急急 求助啊 会写英语作文的进 不用太好的

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-01 01:33



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:53

I wish a lot. Five years old when I first desire, which grew to be a great singer. Because of the voice of the kindergarten aunt too good, I still remember.

When I was seven years old, on a first grade was first wish is to grow tall. Because at the age of six, my father took me to the school, the school enrolment of chief said I was so short stature, or wait for a year in some taller. I was very angry, and will have a wish: if you can grow can go to school.

Eight home economic conditions, parents are often a dinner, I also follow a lot, a lot of delicious food is almost a change in one place. HuiQing many people. Then I wish is to eat all the hunters.

Graally, the home of the kitchen stove, cold and cheerless on a layer after layer of the earth. Parents often late for entertainment and tube, my grades. When I have a wish: I hope that all of the people HuiQing become poor, so parents didn't so much entertainment.

Nine years old when I grew up, drive the parents with less and less. We three home very happy with my parents, everything. I was the best wish is to never grown, lead a happy life.

A thunderbolt -- father's company went bankrupt! A month, father's head appeared a few wisps hair, thin body also has many, mother also very anxious. At this time, my biggest wish is father can quickly find a good job.

I grew up, I already have a year of laughter, become desolate dad. I learn more vigorous, mom more hard work. That's my biggest wish is to hope I can grow quickly, to work, to subsidize home, mom and dad to care for me and let them not to worry about the tuition, don't work for dad.

Through these years, dad found a new job, there is good, and the treatment, and less frequently, and can work with my study. Our family has graally become energetic, vigor, with laughter.

14 I have second, the study, every day except homework is doing exercises, I almost didn't have a semester, no television showed string. Everyday just two line from school ran home from home to school, and boring. Finally, the winter holiday can. Because mom and dad on work hard, year-end bonus and many of the commission. We changed the color, the little liking for 29 inches of big TV, To my study also bought a thousand multivariate computer, had a happy New Year. Now I wish and hope our home, go back to the past can always happy.

Time flies, suddenly I have fifteen years old, will soon on the third. Suddenly look back, how many days and nights, how many frustrations, how many joys and sorrows, many, many wishes realization. I didn't give up, keep my life's journey, keep my wish...

I want to make a wish
When blown over the birthday candle, I want to make a wish, but I already blew out candle, like the meteor from my eyes flashed, leaving only regret.
- signature
I want to make a wish, wish I can always remember my friend. Because when I am strong, when I am a new friend is a memory of writing, I might forget my friends, maybe someday we will meet each other, but only by, like never met, even if it's just a smile, also be happened. When the lonely and lonely, memories can bring me great happiness.
I want to make a wish, wish my mom and dad always young and beautiful. Because they will grow old, I will also along with the growth of the age, the independent and graally away from them, and to create a world belongs to me, but I don't want to let them alone, they can only hope forever young.
I want to make a wish, wish all the teachers can get rid of their occupational disease. Because the teacher put our motherland, nurturing the pillar for our country to give their power, but the teacher will cause some influence occupational many teachers hoarse voice, bending of figure, but also led to the students, teachers' health.
I want to make a wish, wish I could become a writer. Because I was writing, from love of fanaticism first contact it, is it will continue to attract, deeply loves it, the composition of the awards also gave me great confidence, so I have to go in that direction, to struggle!
I want to make a wish, wish everyone's wish can be realized, let every man have his memories of comfort, let the heart.
Although I've blown out candle, but I made in my dream, I want to make a wish, wish I wish can be realized!

The heart of the corner, so eager to dormant. Along with the growth of the age, we wish with "in". Take me to say, in the 13 years has passed, my desire is kept for the change.
In kindergarten, my brothers and sisters day watching back schoolbag hum songs high school, heart envy: I really want to go to school, they will see what is paradise. Also hope that night, and finally arrived school age, I finally fulfiled, elementary school, into every day with my brother and sisters, after the ass felt perched precariously grow happiness.
Then suddenly one day, my brother's neck with a red triangle scarves. Look brother satisfiedly worryingly, me curiously ask him what it was and brother conceited fool! "said: even this all don't know. I'm telling you, this call red scarf, only the young pioneers to wear. In other words, students can better understand not?". I swear on his comely, also want when young pioneers, wearing the red scarf. I study hard, little to improve their learning, but also help students, teachers' aides. Soon, I got the recognition. The third grade, my neck also squarely wearing that makes me so long triangle scarf. And brother has entered a junior high school.
Time goes, I also into junior high school gate. I was born a new dream - careful I found another chest TuanHui shiny coin. Originally, become league members would mean he is excellent, is good. I also want to have it, also want to be a good young! God helps those who help themselves, and I fulfiled to have a golden TuanHui, glory to join the communist youth league.
I realized another dream, I rejoice, and I myself, it proves I moved is great, as long as I work hard, I have the impossible! Now, I have a new dream that learning, rushed into the heavy high!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:54

I have a good friend named …….She is 13 years old .She is born in Shanghai.She is not very tall but is slim .She has balck short hair and two dark eyes.She likes playing badminton,swimming and reading .She is also like listening to music.She is good at English and singing .She is very polite and hlepful .Teachers and students are very like her.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 20:54

Roberto Benigni's moving film, Life is Beautiful, is a film that is set in a concentration camp and combines comedy with the seriousness of the extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

Benigni does not lie for the sake of lying, but because it is the best and only way to achieve his ultimate goal, to which everything else is secondary. He is not insensitive to the others; he does not seek their help in his ploy, nor does he try to convince them that they should have a different attitude or that what he is doing is the "right thing to do." He does not feel the need to explain his action to the others, because he is only trying to save his son, and is undertaking this method to so.

The film itself, in the second half, is about his private undertaking. Benigni need not, and indeed cannot, explain his characters actions to anyone who does not understand them. Instead, he shows us a world where indivial love prevails in the worst possible surroundings, a world where faith saves one from despair. The film works because we can see that Benigni himself made this film with love and a certain faith that it would be understood.

At the end of the film, Benigni's character is shot and killed, but the war has ended with the arrival of the Americans, and the son and mother survive. The movie was particularly effective and impacted me emotionally, and in a strong way, particularly as a Jew.

The film depicted how the Jewish people were affected by the Holocaust. You can read books, or look in museums but seeing the people struggling through the acts forced upon them brought new meaning to what took place ring that time. Having heard first hand accounts of the horror people went through, Benigni's mission of not letting his son actually know what was happening was a great gift to his son.

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