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求power of the hord 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-01 12:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 23:33

  Storm, Earth and Fire, heed my call....
  歌名:Power Of The Horde
  歌手:Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain
  I am the son of the Wind and Rain,
  Thunder beckons and I heed the call,
  If I die upon this day,
  in battle I will fall...
  Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride.
  War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from insideStorm, Black clouds fill the sky
  Earth, hear my battlecry
  Fire, and Thunder will bring forth
  Death, from the power of the Horde...
  Farseer to the Warsong Clan
  Feel the power and the energy,
  born of black blood honouring still
  Feel the Fire burning in my veins,
  the lightning strikes at my command
  Storm and Earth, Axe and Fire,
  we come to claim this land
  Storm, Black clouds fill the sky
  Earth, hear my battlecry
  Fire, and Thunder will bring forth
  Death, from the power of the Horde...
  (Guitar Solo)
  Surrounded by the enemy,
  the wolf among the hounds
  Thunder turns to silence, sek-ta
  the hundred to bring me down.
  Wolf Brothers falling at my side,
  with honour I will die
  Upon the Altar of the Storms,
  I will be reborn
  Storm, Black clouds fill the sky
  Earth, hear my battlecry
  Fire, and Thunder will bring forth
  Death, for I have been reborn...
  The Power of the Horde.....

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 23:34

歌曲:Power Of The Horde(部落的力量)

歌手:Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain

所属专辑:WarCraft III Expansion

Storm, Earth and Fire, heed my call.... 风暴,大地,烈焰,晖映我的召唤....(萨满)

歌名:Power Of The Horde(部落的力量)

歌手:Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain

I am the son of the Wind and Rain, 我是暴风和骤雨的子孙,

Thunder beckons and I heed the call, 雷电亦听从我的召唤,

If I die upon this day,如果我今天就要死去,

in battle I will fall... 那一定在战场上牺牲...

Hear me Brothers, gather up the wolves to battle we will ride! 族人们听着,集合好战狼!

War drums black-out the beating heart, howling from inside. 敲打的战鼓激荡着心灵,发自肺腑的咆哮.

Storm, Black clouds fill the sky! 风暴,让乌云盖天!

Earth, hear my battlecry! 大地,回应我的呐喊!

Fire, and Thunder will bring forth! 烈焰,展示雷电的力量!

Death, from the power of the Horde... 去死,来自部落的力量...

Farseer to the Warsong Clan 战歌氏族的先知们


Feel the power and the energy, 感受这能量与威力,

born of black blood honouring still! 诞生自黑暗血脉的荣誉和狂热!

Feel the Fire burning in my veins,感受这我血管中延烧的炽炎,

the lightning strikes at my command! 我召唤的雷霆冲击!

Storm and Earth, Axe and Fire,风暴与大地啊,利斧与烈焰啊,

we come to claim this land 我们一起祈求这*

Storm, Black clouds fill the sky! 风暴,让乌云盖天!

Earth, hear my battlecry! 大地,回应我的呐喊!

Fire, and Thunder will bring forth! 烈焰,展示雷电的力量!

Death, from the power of the Horde... 去死,来自部落的威力力量...

(Guitar Solo)

Surrounded by the enemy! 包围住敌人!

the wolf among the hounds! 战狼在追猎!

Thunder turns to silence, sek-ta! 雷鸣在寂静中回响,SEK-TA!(兽人语:进攻)

the hundred to bring me down!我自霹雳中降临!

Wolf Brothers falling at my side, 战狼兄弟躺在我身旁,

with honour I will die... 以荣誉的名义我将倒下...

Upon the Altar of the Storms, 但在风暴祭坛上,

I will be reborn! 我将获得重生!

Storm, Black clouds fill the sky! 风暴,让乌云盖天!

Earth, hear my battlecry! 大地,回应我的呐喊!

Fire, and Thunder will bring forth! 烈焰,展示雷电的力量!

Death, for I have been reborn... 去死,来自部落的力量...

STORM!! 风暴!!

EARTH!! 大地!!

FIRE!! 烈焰!!

DEATH!! 去死!!

The Power of the Horde..... 来自部落的力量....
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