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初二英语作文 250字

发布网友 发布时间:2022-12-02 17:23



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 12:40

Growing pains and pleasure

Hello, Everyone. When we are in the growth ,pains and pleasures are indispensable。Pleasure and annoyance always accompany in growth of our side, happiness is beautiful and short, Trouble is upsetting and has a deep influence. I wonder if the happy memories trouble with it, too! But happiness is not. You see, the memories and play out, let me again, remember that a headache.

The school summer day, my classmates and I arranged with my mom and dad say after school go to a very fun. But, daddy pick me up after, I again remind of the father would take me to bookstore buy spring, I don't know what to do: ask classmates, asked his father, they must speak their own good. I was when solving problems, dad tapped me on the shoulder, saying: "how?" I couldn't answer he pretended not to hear. Oh, I didn't go to the bookstore and didn't go to that place to play, in retrospect really feel regret.

Worries over, happy, it reminds me of the happy things grow.

"New again! I can put off!" I am very glad. The elders have red envelopes, ah, this is really "real", firecrackers, too. After a year of a second, the sky dark clouds like CaiHua shining, every family stick red paper, hang red couplets, writing, letting off firecrackers, very festive. At this time, I am no exception also put up outside the fireworks and firecrackers. At the deafening fireworks, I cracked lips smiled.

Happiness and troubles will always beside you, with you every second, accompany you grow footprint


热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 12:41

参考资料: http://wenwen.soso.com/z/q168625462.htm
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