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求 音乐专业 英语翻译!急急急!!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-28 18:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 20:15

我的家乡My hometown我的家乡在陕西省宝鸡市,古称陈仓。“明修栈道,暗渡陈仓”的典故就出在我们的宝鸡,宝鸡的交通四通八达,陇海铁路,宝成铁路,宝中铁路在此交汇。My hometown in Shanxi Province, Baoji City, the ancient said Chen bin. " Clear construction, do one thing under cover of another " story is in our Baoji, Baoji traffic lead in all directions, the Longhai railway, Baoji-Cheng railway, Baozhong railway in this intersection.家乡宝鸡美丽富饶,气候宜人,秦岭就坐落在我们的正南方,佛教圣地法门寺就在我的家乡,希望大家都来参观我的家乡!Baoji hometown beautiful, pleasant climate, Qinling Mountains is located in our right to the south, Famen Temple Buddhist shrines in my hometown, we all want to visit my hometown!我爱你我美丽的家乡宝鸡!I love you my beautiful hometown Baoji!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 20:15

Linchong night rush is the harp master ZuHua professor, one of the top ten novels according to our country "the water margin," by Lin's story. Works from the kunqu element, with distinctive national characteristics. And draw lessons from the western composing technique, through the "al qin bamboo", "slippery wipe roll dial", "mountain slide", "chromatic variation", "texture" innovative techniques, deeply shows the content of the music works. Linchong night rush is Yang QinQu in "title" and drama music. This article in the music, for example, for each paragraph, and music performance, along with the development of the story of the author innovative use of playing technique, to depict characters and plot of the specific application, this paper expounds the body ? shallow


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 20:16

"Lin Chong on the run" is lcimer master professor Xiang Zuhua, according to one of the ten classic "Water Margin" in China, Lin Chong's story of creation. Works from Kunqu elements, with distinctive national features. And from the western composing technique, through the "double sound Qin Bamboo", "slip and roll call", "pass", a sliding dial "variation", "polyphonic texture" and other innovative techniques, deeply expressed the content of music works. "Lin Chong on the run" is lcimer music have "title", a drama music. In this paper, for example, for each paragraph, according to the development and musical story performance, using performance technique innovation of the author, for the specific application of the depiction of the characters and the plot of the story, the superficial understanding. The performance and improve the cultural quality of the proposed "double sound of hope; Qin Bamboo", "slip and roll call", "pass", a sliding dial "variation", "polyphonic texture" and other techniques to improve the coarse problem, talk about their feelings.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 20:16

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