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发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-29 01:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:24

Title: The Thinking on Some Questions about Issues Or Matters

Abstract: With the development of China's market economy, changes in the operational mechanisms of enterprises, the financing channels and increase the complexity of financial relations, or the specific issues of economic phenomenon, there have been more and more on the business activities of enterprises. An economic business was recognized as whether or not there are matters affecting the financial information and the operation of the business and financial results have a certain impact, but will also affect users of accounting information to enterprises current and future loss of judgement, thereby affecting their investment decisions. Or matters as a potential direct impact on the enterprise's continued operation and development, the ultimate result of a corresponding loss of the enterprises in trouble, leading to the liquidation, merger or bankruptcy of a few cases. Or a matter of accounting principles or enterprises in China although there are matters of accounting and the disclosure of related information to make a specific norms, but some still exist a number of shortcomings, to be further improved. This paper is mainly on the matter or how to confirm that disclosure of research, made their own proposals for timely disclosure or the risk of the situation, increase their risk prevention capability.

Key words: Issues Or Matters
; projected liabilities or contingent liabilities or assets


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:25

Abstract: With the development of China’s market economy and transformation of corporate operation, as well as increased financing alternatives and complicated finance relationships, contingent items are increasingly common in business activities. Whether a business deal is regarded as contingent item will not only impact the financial information of a company but also yield influence over the corporate operations and financial results, which may in turn influence stakeholders’ judgement over the company’s present and future earnings to impact its investment decisions. Contingent item, as a potential factor, may show direct impacts on corporate business continuity and growth sustainability, and the corresponding losses may force the business into difficulties or even liquidation, mergers and closure. China’s accounting rules over contingent items have set clear rules regarding accounting of the items and information disclosure, but there are still ambiguities and further improvements are needed. The paper will provide certain views on how to define contingent items and to release related information in order to ensure timely information disclosure of certain risks to enhance corporate risk management abilities.
Key words: contingent items, expected liabilities, contingent liabilities, contingent assets

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:25

Title: consideration about a number of contingencies issues

Abstract: With the development of China's market economy, changes in the operational mechanisms of enterprises and the increase of the financing channels and the complexity of financial relationships, the ocontingencies issues as one of the economic phenomenon, effecting more and more on the business activities of enterprises. If an economic business was recognized as contingencies ,it will not only affect the financial information but will also have a certain impact on the operation of the business and financial results , users of accounting information to enterprises current and future loss of judgement, thereby affecting Their investment decisions. Or matters as a potential direct impact on the enterprise's continued operation and development, the ultimate result of a corresponding loss of the enterprises in trouble, leading to the liquidation, merger or bankruptcy of a few cases. Or a matter of accounting principles or enterprises in China although there are matters of accounting and the disclosure of related information to make a specific norms, but some still exist a number of shortcomings, to be further improved. This paper on the matter or how to confirm that disclosure of research, made their own proposals for timely disclosure or the risk of the situation, increase their risk prevention capability.

Key words: contingencies; projected liabilities ; contingent liabilities ; contingent assets

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:26

Abstract: As China's market economy development, the operational mechanisms of enterprises changes, the financing channels and increase the complexity of financial relations, or the specific issues of economic phenomenon, there have been more and more on the business activities of enterprises. An economic business was recognized as whether or not there are matters affecting the financial information and the operation of the business and financial results have a certain impact, but will also affect users of accounting information to enterprises current and future loss of judgement, thereby affecting Their investment decisions. Or matters as a potential direct impact on the enterprise's continued operation and development, the ultimate result of a corresponding loss of the enterprises in trouble, leading to the liquidation, merger or bankruptcy of a few cases. Or a matter of accounting principles or enterprises in China although there are matters of accounting and the disclosure of related information to make a specific norms, but some still exist a number of shortcomings, to be further improved. This paper on the matter or how to confirm that disclosure of research, made their own proposals for timely disclosure or the risk of the situation, increase their risk prevention capability
或有事项Or matters
预计负债Projected liabilities
或有负债Contingent liabilities
或有资产Or have assets

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:27

Title: The Thinking on Some Questions about Issues Or Matters
Abstract: With the development of China's market economy, changes in the operational mechanisms of enterprises, the financing channels and increase the complexity of financial relations, or the specific issues of economic phenomenon, there have been more and more on the business activities of enterprises. An economic business was recognized as whether or not there are matters affecting the financial information and the operation of the business and financial results have a certain impact, but will also affect users of accounting information to enterprises current and future loss of judgement, thereby affecting their investment decisions. Or matters as a potential direct impact on the enterprise's continued operation and development, the ultimate result of a corresponding loss of the enterprises in trouble, leading to the liquidation, merger or bankruptcy of a few cases. Or a matter of accounting principles or enterprises in China although there are matters of accounting and the disclosure of related information to make a specific norms, but some still exist a number of shortcomings, to be further improved.
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