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粤语吉他的歌,歌词最后是say good bye ,bye,take good care my friend是哪首歌啊?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-11-28 19:48



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:31

blues traveler演唱
Music & lyrics: john popper
Come with me and take my hand
Don't look back just let it end
Walk with me for one more mile
And think this over for awhile
And decide
I've been thinking for some time
Of escaping
More than once it's really crossed my mind
There's a little bit further left to go
We're not too fast and we're not too slow
The deadline's ours, we're doing fine
Blues Traveler
I'm not yours and you're not mine
Please decide
Come see what the madman sees
In escaping
The endless possibilities
Of escaping...i'm escaping
When you try to look around but the walls are closing in
And you've got just enough strength to think of starting again
But you don't have the time you cannot think or hesitate
Because the bus just left and you're seven hours late
And all you can see is the sun going down
In some far away land in some far away town
And all of a sudden you find you just don't care
And you'd give everything you have if you could be over there
And even though you don't know how
But you think you know why
You could be full of shit
Try...try...please try...try
I see the decision in your eyes
No, it's ok, and i'm not surprised
See just like you, i'm not afraid
Of being scared of the choice you made
So did i
You see nobody said that your life is fair
So you turn around now you know your home's back there
I've got to find out what i can see
I love you and remember me
Please don't cry...don't cry
Oh say good-bye my friend
I'm escaping
I guess all i can do is recommend
Try escaping
Try escaping
Try escaping
Try escaping...
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