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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-13 09:57



热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 16:37

My name is ...My phone number is ...
I live in Fengtai District in Beijing.
I have lived in there for more than ten years.
I like there, because I was born in there.
5.我是一名学生 在北京商贸学校就读
I am a student studying in Beijing Business Trading School.
My major is Accounting.
I like my school life very much. There are very closed school mates and kind teachers.
We three, dad, mom and I live together.
9.我的祖母还有祖父生活的也 都很好,我经常去看望他们,
My grandfather and grandmother are also fine, and I often visit them.
10.我的闲暇时间 一般喜欢听听音乐 跟好朋友谈一谈心情
I spend my spare time on listening to music and chat with my friends.
I have many friends.
Yanran Zheng is my best friend.
Both of us are sincere.
14.我们经常在一起 一起上课 一起吃饭 一起聊天
We are usually together. Go to class together, have dinner together and chat with each other.
I often listen to English tapes.
Electric business is my favorate class, because from it I can know the internet.
I have decided to travel.
I like sports, among that I like running the most.
19.我喜欢集体运动,因为那种团结的精神 很棒,
I like collective sports, because the spirit to unity is great.
I agree playing games, because games relax people, but don't focus on it and lose you ambitious.
Because it makes me cheerful.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 16:37

4. I love my hometown, because I borned there.

5. I am a student of Beijing Trade Institution.(具体学校名参阅你们学校的官方翻译)

6.I am major in accounting.

7.I love my time in school, which has good friends and kind teachers.

8.My parents and I live together.

9.My grandparents also live a happy life, I go to see them frequently.

10.I always listen to music and chat with my good friends in my spare time.

11.I have many friends.

12.Zheng Yanran is my best friends.

13.We are both sincere to each other.

14.We spend most of our time together.

15.We often listen to the English tape of listening material.(如果听得是英语听力的话)

16. I favorate course is e-business, because I can know about the Internet world.

17.I've decideed to tour.

18.I like sport, especially jogging.

19.I like collective activities for the spirit of teamwork. That's great.

20.I agree with that, because playing game can make people feel relax, but don't spend too much time on it.

21.Because it can make me feel happy.

看完楼上朋友的翻译,发现有几处错误 下面加以改正,也请后来的朋友对我的译稿斧正。
“14.我们经常在一起 一起上课 一起吃饭 一起聊天
We are usually together. Go to class together, have dinner together and chat with each other. ” together是副词,不能说 We are usually together. 可以改成,We spend most of our time together.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 16:38

1. My name is ... my phone number is...

2. I live in Beijing Fengtai District

3. I have lived there for more than ten years

4. I like there, because I was born there

5. I am a student in Beijing Trade Schools

6. I studied the accounting profession

7. I like my school life, there are very good students and teachers warm

8. I have a family of three living at home,my parents and I.

9. My grandmother was also the grandfather of life are very good, I often went to see them

10. I generally like the spare time to listen to music with good friends to talk about feelings

11. I have a lot of friends

12. Zheng Yan Ran is my best friend

13. We are all in good faith

14. We often play together have the class together chat together

15. I often listen to English tapes

16. My favorite e-commerce course, because they can understand the online world

17. I have decided to travel

18. I love sports, like running,

19. I like team sports, because that great spirit of solidarity,

20. I agree, because the game can make people relax, do not like Wanwusang,

21. Because it provides more I feel happy


热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 16:38

13. we are all sincere
20. i agree because playing games can make us relaxed,but we better not let us delayed by it
7.i like my school life very much, there are friendly classmates and benigh teachers.


热心网友 时间:2022-07-14 16:39

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