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true friend歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-10 13:56



热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 22:33

thats right
we sign our cards and letters b.f.f
you've got a million ways to make me laugh (yeah)
you're looking out for me
you've got my back
so good to have you around
you know the secrets i could never tell
and when i'm quiet you break through my sheeeell
don't feel the need to do a rebel yell
cuz you keep my feet on the ground

you're a true friend
you're here till the end
you pull me aside
when something ain't right
talk with me now and into the night
till' it's alright again
you're a true friend

you don't get angry when i change the plans
some how you're never out of second chances
you don't say "i told you"
when i'm wrong again

i'm so lucky that i found...

a true friend
you're here till the end (till the end)
you pull me aside when something ain't right talk with me now and into the night
till' it's alright again

true friends will go to the ends of the earth
till they find the things you need
friends hang on to the ups and the downs
cuz they got someone to believe in

a true friend
you're here till the end
you pull me aside when something ain't right talk with me now and into the night
no need to pretend
a true friend
you're here till the end
you pull me aside when something ain't right talk with me now and into the night
till' it's alright again you're a true friend
you're a true friend (x3)

热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 22:34

We sign our cards and letters BFF
You’ve got a million ways to make me laugh
You’re lookin’ out for me you’ve got my back
It’s so good to have you around
You know the secrets I could never tell
And when I’m quiet you break through my shell
Don’t feel the need to do a rebel yell
Cause you keep my feet on the ground
You’re a true friend
You’re here till the end
You pull me aside
When something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
’Til it’s alright again
You’re a true friend
You don’t get angry when I change the plans
Somehow you’re never out of second chances
Won’t say I told you when I’m wrong again
I’m so lucky that I’ve found
A true friend
You’re here till the end
You pull me aside
When something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
’Til it’s alright again
True friends will go to the end of the earth
Till they find the thing you need
Friends hang on through the ups and the downs
Cause they’ve got someone to believe in
A true friend
You’re here till the end
You pull me aside
When something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
No need to pretend
You’re a true friend
You’re here till the end
Pull me aside
When something ain’t right
Talk with me now and into the night
’Til it’s alright again


热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 22:34

thats right
we sign our cards and letters b.f.f
you've got a million ways to make me laugh (yeah)
you've got my back
don't feel the need to do a rebel yell
cuz you keep my feet on the ground

热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 22:35

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