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求一篇标题为true love英语作文。100多单词就行

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-10 14:13



热心网友 时间:2022-07-12 22:16

True love
Fairy tales often ends with the ending of living happily ever after which are full of pink bubbles.Most people,especially girls,desire for a true love with their Prince Charming.So do I.

In the real life,couples of valentines are among around us.Most of them usually are passionately in love at the very beginning but after some time they have some struggle graally.Some of them get over the difficulty and some unfortunately break up.To our sadness,the increasing rate of divorce make more and more people feel unconfident in the eternal true love and subject to the blue reality.

However,why do still many people break up in the end?I think what they look for is perfect love rather than true love.Because true love is rare indeed. professor in Harvard said that perfect love will require that we continually have the subtlety of the very wise,the flexibility of the child,the sensitivity of the artist,the understanding of the philosopher,the acceptance of the saint,the tolerance of the scholar and the fortitude of the certain and so on and so forth.

So there is no perfect love but true love is.True love exsits between human beings.Yes,we will have struggles,deficiencies,weaknesses in relationship but we also have virtues,passions and wonderful things in it.Love is not constantly high .

Shakespear once said love is a kind of sweet pain and sincere love is a bumpy road. I think that expained what true love is.
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