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what is art?? 写一段话 用英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 12:04



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 05:32

What is Art?
Any brief definition of art would oversimplify the matter,but we can say that all the definitions offered over the centuries include some notion of human agency,whether through manual skills (as in the art of sailing or painting or photography),intellectual manipulation (as in the art of politics),or public or personal expression (as in the art of conversation).Recall that the word is etymologically related to artificial -- i.e.,proced by human beings.Since this embraces many types of proction that are not conventionally deemed to be art,perhaps a better term for them would be visual culture.This would explain why certain preinstrial cultures proce objects which Eurocentric interests characterize as art,even though the procing culture has no linguistic term to differentiate these objects from utilitarian artifacts.Having said that,we are still left with a class of objects,ideas and activities that are held to be separate or special in some way.Even those things which bee art even though they are not altered in any material way -- e.g.,readymades -- are accorded some special status in a describable way.Because of this plexity,writers have developed a variety of ways to characterize the art impulse.,1,Art is erotic another representation,1,Reflect social life, to meet people's spiritual needs of ideology,0,
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