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关于temperate forest【温带森林】的简介,中英皆可。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-28 07:28



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 20:35

Temperate forests are typical of all European continent, the Eastern region of Asia (in special, Chinese and Japan) and North America.

Also are finded in tempered areas of South America. Great part of them has been destroyed for the wood obtaining and the advantage of the ground with farming aims.

The vegetation is predominantly arboreal, although also there are shrubs and herbaceous plants. Within this biome are distinguished two formation: the forest cacifolio and the one of coniferous. The average temperature in temperate forests is 50° F. Summers are mild, and average about 70° F, while winter temperatures are often well blow freezing. The average yearly precipitation is 30-60 inches.

This precipitation falls throughout the year, but in the winter it falls as snow. The aggravating factor is the water, because a period of the year exists in which the precipitations are smaller. To be remote of the tropical zone is subject to the change of the stations.

The development of shrub and herbaceous vegetation in this biome facilitated by the falling leaf in winter, that allows that the solar rays reach the ground ring the rest of the year. The sedimentation of dead leaves contributes to mineral salts and organic matter, that fertilize the ground.

Another important characteristic of the temperate forest is the diversity of animal species: birds, rodents, red deers, wild boars and bears, among others, in the North hemisphere, and in general, smaller species that occupy equivalent ecological niches in the south. The herbivorous consume grass, fruits and berries, and serve as food to the pregivers.
The man finds in this biome an important source of income. Of the reserves of the forest raw materials for the instries; nutritional, lumber, wastebasket and pharmaceutics are extracted. The forests also serve like containment means and regulation of the water volumes, conserves the quality of grounds and it protect them of the erosion. In another aspect, they contribute to maintain the heat balance of the Earth when absorbing present carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.追问自己写的么~

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 20:35

矮油- -妹子。。自己好好学。。这种报告最好还是自己写诶嘿嘿。什么时候来我这?
关于temperate forest【温带森林】的简介,中英皆可。

Another important characteristic of the temperate forest is the diversity of animal species: birds, rodents, red deers, wild boars and bears, among others, in the North hemisphere, and in general, smaller species that occupy equivalent ecological niches in the south. The herbivorous con...

be temperate in one's language是什么意思

这个国家百分之九十的地方都是温带。 Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems 温带森林生态系统在所有生态系统中占有优势地位。 The dwellers in temperate zones can have no idea of the luxuriance of tropical vegetation.温带的居民无法设想苍郁茂密的热带植被。


温带森林生态系统在所有生态系统中占有优势地位。Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems.


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