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芭比之天鹅湖 英文对白

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-27 09:47



热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 09:28

The best answer foreplay

Narrator: in a long time ago, there was a beautiful and rich countries. In that country has a handsome prince. One day, the prince with followed out hunting...

(prince and his entourage)

After the prince, today's harvest is very rich, but since it was already late, why don't we go.

Prince: not wait, we went to the depths of the forest look at, perhaps return ability dozen arrive what.

(aides-de-camp and prince continue to go to the stage on the other side, voldemort and his daughter, secretly looked at the prince.

Devil: (quietly) good but sly boy, dare bold in my turf hunt! Hey hey, see what I put you into an owl, cannot see the sun. (shi curse form)

Bride: (stopped voldemort to joash the curse hand) wait, torre, he is still good. Thus become the owl too bad!

Devil: ah, don't you looked him? (panic form)

Bride: (hypocrisy shy) don't say so well, I all 3600 years old. Rare liking for a pleasing to the eye.

Devil: (wipe perspiration) I also know you 3600 years old. Think I the dark Lord also live for thousands of years, only one daughter unexpectedly three thousand years are unmarriageable. Really lossy I dark Lord awe-inspiring.

Bride: that is because those who cannot bear my beauty. (narcissism)

Devil: (continue to wipe perspiration) are the first to be you of man is a cut, you a appeared in front of him was scared him dead... The second is a sheep, he even your appearance haven't seen were the ones who are you scared the sheep were trampled to death... There is a third fourth...

Bride: (interrupts voldemort) okay, don't say anymore. So I would say is because they cannot bear my beauty...

Devil: you'm gonna kill many, return not equal to let me get this boy become owl. So he somehow still have a life with.

Fury: no. I must get him! (shows ferocious colours)

Devil: (helpless) hope you this married out. Otherwise I how to face you dead niang...

(voldemort and witches)

Narrator: the prince did not find voldemort's plot, he continued to the deep forest forward. Until he saw a group of beautiful white swan and follow them came to the lake. At the lake, the prince saw white swan in night piece into a group of girls. Originally this group of girls was the dark Lord cursed became white swan, he fell in love with the princess and they agreed with her at the party meet. Until then, the prince will marry in front of all the people to the princess and remove them curse.

The first act

(the palace at the PROM, wear finery nobles are dancing, but WangZiYi man sitting on the seat.

Prince: why she is not here?


After the prince, PROM has carried out a half, you this decision.

Prince: again, etc.

(the queen)

Queen: children, gathered here tonight the beautiful young girl, and nearby countries princess, you have to pick out future queen?

Prince: (respectful and melancholy) mother, I already have a lover.

Queen: (very gratified) too good, is live which a girl? Tonight I will for your wedding.

Prince: (hurried) wait mother, she hasn't come. We'll just wait.

Suddenly, a wear finery (masked woman appeared at the doorway, all for her way)

Prince: (excitedly holding up forward, who meet the hand) LanNi princess, you have come at last! I have been waiting for you for a long time.

Public outcry, comment in succession)

Queen: children, who is she?

Prince: (led LanNi princess's hand). In addition to her, I who don't.

(the princess to the queen, the queen salute beamed at her)

Queen: you are my son's heart ah. Really cute. No wonder my prince will for your socks off.

Bride: (as shy) I also love the prince. The world, no one in my eyes better than his handsome charming. (hc)

Queen: (wipe perspiration) good... Good direct vindicate...

(prince turned toward all announced)

Prince: LanNi princess is my loved one, is also the future queen!

(everyone applauded. Suddenly gate was opened, another girl walk to come. All of the men stared blankly live).

Prince: who are you? Why and princess look identical!

Princess: (step by step towards a prince, stop) prince, I is the real princess!

Queen: (see the princess, and look at hag) what? How can have two princess!

Bride: (anxiously) pull prince, you don't listen to her talking nonsense. I is the real princess.

Prince: (glance evil spirit, pointing to the princess) impossible! You must be false princess, I have gone to the real princess nicola!

Princess: (sadly) prince, you've forgotten? Are you have spoken with your mouth will break the spell, also have spoken with your mouth will marry me...

(" ultimecia interrupt princess)

Bride: no, it's not. Prince, these are the words which you are said to me. She must be succubus to destroy the feelings between us. You never believe her!

Queen: what was that all about?

Princess: prince you don't really forget? I once said: mountain without edges, and close, dare and the monarch rejected. Yet you... But you first violated the oath.

Prince: how do you know, do you really princess!

Princess: (sadly) prince looked at the prince, and she is the devil daughter! She is instigated voldemort will I become a swan!

Prince: [surprised] what? (slowly toward the princess)

Queen: (exclamations) days! (fall in maid bosom) you are goose, goose, goose... QuXiang queen song...

Princess: (near the hag) is you, because is jealous of my beauty and will I and the maids all become a swan, return to curse we never get to love!

Prince: (suddenly enlighted) LanNi, you really are LanNi! I remember your pretty sad eyes!

(" ultimecia wildly the princess ghe ground)

Prince: (anxiously to lift up LanNi) princess!

Bride: (ripping off mask her hands rested on her hips) ha ha ha! LanNi princess! Still I won the prince. He has asked me marriage, your curse is impossible to untie!

Prince: (angrily) you this bad woman, why want to cheat me!

Fury: you know too late, my dear prince.

(voldemort suddenly play, pointing to wield a sword prince. "ultimecia stand to voldemort back)

Devil: nosy, I am handsome prince charming romantic of the dark Lord. Is your future ZhangRen. Thus, it seems that you've seen my daughter.

Queen: (suddenly woke) what! You're in-laws! Gosh! (two eyes a turn again dizzy),

Maid: the queen, wake up!

Gnome male - "devil: (malevolent), exactly. Later I is the country's king!

Prince: (will LanNi hidden in the demon sovereign, behind) odious I won't marry your daughter.

Devil: this is not your opposition. Wheel Have you asked her to marry him. Although she has 3600 years old is old a bit...

Prince: 3600 years old! The old witch! Today I will short swords) (to justice, in order to LanNi princess and fight. The evil devil king, prepare yourself!

(warring against voldemort was routed)

Devil: hum, calculate you ill. But you have already can't back out now. Once you marry my daughter to, you must marry her. As for LanNi princess, my curse you never want to solve. (turn pulls up daughter) we walk, you wait for it to marry you! The prince darling

(voldemort and witches)

Princess: (sorrowfully while retreating and shake head) too late, already too late.

Prince: [grabs the princess's hand) have the chance, princess, we must have faith.

Princess: no, forget me. It was impossible we live together. Swan lake is my home, please also find a lovely girl and took her as his wife! (princess turned and ran go)

Prince: (after) wait, LanNi princess, you don't walk...

(everyone refund)
The second act

(swan lake, maid walk up and around the princess)

Maid: princess? We won't become swan?

Princess: (crying) sorry, it was all my fault. If I had a little to the palace, the prince will not be witches cheating. We might...

Maid: no, it's not. Princess don't be sad, and perhaps way!

(voldemort hag suddenly appeared, the princess and maids hurriedly and stands up)

Devil: my poor white swan ah. Why alone in this lake hiding cry!!! Oh, yes! You xinxin pronouncing prince not you. You can no longer become human! To die just a swan! Ha ha ha

Fury: gee, it's pathetic! But you after careful, until I become queen, I'm going to the national hunters came to the hunting in the forest. Whatever the white swan hunting, all have four questions!? So, you may soon is no longer a swan, but my hat decorations! Ha ha ha

Princess: (angrily) las toman! You two absolutely won't have what good end!

Devil: hum, are very close to death to still be so stubborn. Look at me now is yet for a time appointed you! (holding hands, AIRS want to choke dead princess)

Prince: (to lift sword) stop!

Devil: (thrown open princess) speed still pretty fast! Whether want to my daughter?

Prince: (to) who would want to abandon her the minger. All three thousand years old still unmarriageable, kui you return not bashful mention. I've come to break the curse!

Bride: [grabs princess) torre, give him a lesson! But keep he lives!

Princess: prince, hurry up! You beat him. Why to me and build on their lives! Not worthy!

Prince: LanNi princess, don't worry. Please believe in me, in order to you, for the sake of our love, I will defeat voldemort restores your freedom.

Princess: but prince...

Prince: (firmly) don't advised me, I committed fault makes you sad. Also let I to be an end to it. Today, I even spell on life, will save you. The princess, please rest assured.

Devil: bullshit say enough, let I'll teach you.

Prince: (hold sword) the evil devil king, I'll give you one final opportunity.

Devil: hum! See recruit!

(warring against voldemort pour)

Bride: dad! (to loosen the princess, ran to the Lord, together they disappear)

Princess: (despair) oops, voldemort dieth, we'll really cannot restore humanoid!

Prince: (it.would sword fall on the ground) I kill him? ! Gosh!

Princess: I'd rather die than be forever is the swan. Prince, fareware! (grabbed sword suicide)

Prince: no - (the princess fell, and prince mourned. The maids all wai over.)

Prince: LanNi, I can't let you die alone. Born cannot at the same time, born cannot at the same time, death is willing to on... I come with you

热心网友 时间:2024-10-19 09:28

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