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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-28 22:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 20:09

In this thesis the research object -- Urban Dazhai investigation under the premise, the "cultural space", the old city link Dazhai's non material cultural heritage and intangible space. Through the research of urban spatial formDazhai culture, puts forward protection measures.
This thesis is divided into five chapters, each chapter is as follows:
The first chapter, introction, including research background, purpose and significance, definition of related concepts, research status at home and abroad, the basic content and innovations of the study, research methodand framework.
The second chapter, including the general situation, the old city Dazhai: location, natural environment, social economy, culture background; the traditional style of the old city space, including: Dazhai location, spatial pattern, historical and environmental factors; including Dazhai living situation, development situation, the traditional elements: protection status,economic infrastructure.
The third chapter, display status Dazhai intangible cultural contents andcharacteristics and the development of the old city, covers four aspects of traditional festivals, traditional embroidery, traditional food, traditional art.
The fourth chapter, the present study Dazhai Dazhai material culture,immaterial cultural space. Including the original religion, Buddhism, space form in the old city on Dazhai cultural space forms and its performance.
The fifth chapter, puts forward measures of intangible culture from Dazhaicultural space angle. The first statement of principles for the protection ofknow the protection work, from the village fell space pattern, Buddhist temple, stage, traditional festivals, place and route four aspects as theprotection of the old city Dazhai intangible cultural space, so as to protect the heritage of Dazhai rich intangible cultural heritage.
The focus of this paper is to Dazhai intangible cultural study on the spatial pattern of the old city, and take the corresponding protective measures, to protect the old city Dazhai intangible cultural heritage from the perspective of spatial pattern.

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