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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-07 00:04



热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 10:13

After selecting the 32 teams from different countries,they will regions in the World Cup finals team will the game. Through the draw, they were divided into eight groups.
The first phase of the game, each team four teams are each single round, teams for the game, the winners get three points, the loser, draw 0 points each get a points. Finally, each group in the top two points of the team will enter into the next round of the competition.
For the first knockout round second two teams, each a one-off, winner of the promotion, choking eliminated. When the last four teams, two semi-final, winner of the final into three, four were choking finalists. In the final winner, ultimately win the World Cup trophy cup.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-15 10:14

After selecting the 32 teams from different countries and regions in the World Cup finals team will the game. Through the draw, they were divided into eight groups.
The first phase of the game, each team four teams are each single round, teams for the game, the winners get three points, the loser, draw 0 points each get a points. Finally, each group in the top two points of the team will enter into the next round of the competition.
For the first knockout round second two teams, each a one-off, winner of the promotion, choking eliminated. When the last four teams, two semi-final, winner of the final into three, four were choking finalists. In the final winner, ultimately win the World Cup trophy cup -.
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