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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-05 20:15



热心网友 时间:2024-11-17 23:55

IT project communication management is important one of modern project management, including to ensure timely and reasonable to generate, collection, distribution, storage, extraction and eventually use IT project information need each process. Designed for guarantee the project stakeholders (including project team, the party, customer and promoter) get the timely information and information to make corresponding response. IT project communication almost throughout the IT project each link, the effective IT project communication management contributed to the success of the project, the project stakeholders should understand communication to the project will proce what effect, can say, the success or failure of communication will determine the success or failure of the whole project. This article from the project communication management, based on the definition of IT projects will be divided into four stages: the initial project communication process, project implementation, generating the project delivery end external environment, the project process, show the four stages of the problems of communication, and appear to analyze and to draw their own solutions, and a good case showed IT project feasibility of communication management. And reveals the importance of communication projects, analyze project management skills and communication way communication management, this paper expounds several principles should be insisted on. Below I will be in my practice teaching process to the IT project every stage of the problem on a summary and analysis.
Key words: IT project communication; Project communication process stage; Communication problems; A solution.
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