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发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-06 11:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:10

I want to go to Guilin travel, because the world-famous scenic view of Guilin city and the historical and cultural city. Since ancient times, enjoyed it, "Guilin Best" reputation, to Lijiang River scenery and Karma Baptist landscape landscape landscape represented. If I go to Guilin, then I will be Golden Week in May last, the best weather at that time.

Wuzhen I want to travel, it is a long history with 6000 years old town, which is a typical town south of Yangtze River, known as "the land of plenty, of silk," said. If I go to Wuzhen, then I would choose in January in the past, because the most beautiful season of the year Wuzhen spring and autumn.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:10

I want to go to guilin, because the world famous scenery browsing city and historical and cultural city. It has enjoyed "guilin lijiang river, with the reputation of" diligent, physiognomy and as a representative of the landscape landscape. If I go to guilin, if I may, in the past week the best climate.

I want to go travelling, it is with wuzhen 6,000 years history, it is typical of the ancient town, known as the "jiangnan land of fish and rice, silk," said. If I go if I choose wuzhen in January in the past, because wuzhen the most beautiful season in a year's spring and autumn.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 16:10

I want to go to Guilin travel because of Guilin in world famous scenic browse cities and historical and cultural city. It has enjoyed " Guilin world " reputation to Lijiang River scenery and former Munster geomorphology landscape represented. If I go to Guilin, then I'll 5 , golden week in the past, the climate is the best.

I want to go to Wuzhen travel, which is a thousand years of history of the town, it is typical of ancient water, known as " plenty of ". If I go to Wuzhen, then I would choose the month past 1 because Wuzhen most beautiful season in a year is spring and autumn.
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