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句子训练 用英文写出下列句子(翻译句子)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-07 08:15



热心网友 时间:2022-07-07 08:59

1. I'm learning English now.
2. They love their school.
3. We are waiting for them.
4. My parents are doctors.
5. Our classroom is on the second floor, and theirs on the third.
6. My grandfather is too old to look after himself. (或者 My grandfather is so old that he cannot look after himself.) 两句任选一句都可以。
7. Did you lose yourself yeaterday ?
劳驾,邮局怎么走(get to;the post office)
我们为什么不坐火车去广州呢?(travel to ;by train)
我父母正在度假(on holiday)
这本书要付多少钱?(pay for)
不要嘲笑中处于困境中的人(laugh at;people in trouble)
我今天上学又迟到了(be late for)
放学后我们踢了会足球(after school;for a while)

追答1. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?
2. Why don't we travel to Guangzhou by train?
3. My parents are on holiday.
4. How much should I pay for this book?
5. Don't laugh at the people in trouble.
6. Today, I was late for school again .
7. We played football after school for a while.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-07 08:59

I am studying English now.
They love their school.
We are waiting for them.
My parents are doctors.
Our classroom is on the 2nd floor while theirs is on the third floor.
My grandfather is too old to look after himself.
Did you lose yourself yesterday?

热心网友 时间:2022-07-07 09:00

1.I am learning English now.
2.They love their school.
3.We are waiting for them.
4.My parents both are doctors.
5. Our classroom is on the second floor and theirs is on the third.
6. My grandpa is too old to look after himself.
7.Did he get lost himself?

热心网友 时间:2022-07-07 09:00

I am learning English.
They love their school.
We are waiting for them.
My parent's are doctors
Our Classroom on the second floor,their on the third floor.
我爷爷老了,照顾不了自己。(look after oneself)
My grandfather is too old to look after himself.
你昨天迷路了吗?(lose oneself)
Did you lost youself yesterday?

热心网友 时间:2022-07-07 09:01

Now I am learning the English

They love their school

We are waiting for them

My parents are both doctors

Our classroom is on the first floor, they are on the third floor

My grandfather is old, he can't look after himself.

Did you lose yourself yesterday?

热心网友 时间:2022-07-07 09:02

1.I am learning English now.

2.They love their school.

3.We are waiting for them.

4.My parents both are doctors.

5. Our classroom is on the second floor and theirs is on the third.

6. My grandpa is too old to look after himself.

7.Did he get lost himself?

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