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麻烦好心人帮翻译一下 十分感谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-07-09 13:54



热心网友 时间:2022-07-09 14:13

Since has entered period of time, the Renminbi rises unceasingly to US dollar exchange rate, the people revalue unceasingly. But facing internationally other strong currency, besides US dollar, the Renminbi exchange rate basically maintains the steady situation. Facing the domestic fast growth's price, internal, the domestic inflation rate advantage, does not get down the Renminbi actually is also in the depreciation. Then, actually in the actual situation which as soon as this liter does censure the Renminbi in the economic development is what kind of condition? Passes through to domestic CPI and the foreign exchange comparative analysis discovery, in name the Renminbi is in the revaluation, but in fact is actually bigger than the current bank deposit interest rate the situation in the depreciation. introction: To realize clearly to the present Renminbi's development momentum, relates the comparative analysis Renminbi currency value situation through the analysis internal CPI data and the foreign international exchange rate to achieve the full understanding Renminbi foreign revaluation the actual situation.

热心网友 时间:2022-07-09 14:13

Progressive some time, the yuan against the dollar rising, people continue to appreciate. In the face of strong international currency on the other, with the exception of dollars, the RMB exchange rate basically stable situation. Faced with the rapid growth of domestic prices, internal, domestic inflation rate is not high, but under the devaluation of the yuan. Then, in this or a criticism of the actual circumstances yuan in economic development is what is a situation? » After the domestic CPI and Exchange comparative analysis found that name in appreciation of the renminbi, and in fact greater than the current bank deposit rates in the trend of depreciation.

INTRODUCTION: In order to more clearly understand the current development trend of the yuan by the CPI data analysis of internal and external relations of international exchange rates to compare the value of the renminbi fully understand the situation to achieve a revaluation of the renminbi's external reality.

Wish you a nice weekend!W

请好心人帮忙翻译成英文 真心感谢

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请好心人帮我把这段英语翻译成中文 非常感谢!!!





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