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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 09:46



热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 18:16


  Having friends can be both a blessing and a curse. They have the ability to support you through times of crisis and scold you when boundaries have been overstepped. However, it is normally to have various groups of friends that represent different aspects of life. Sometimes, when these pals are introced to other acquaintances, it can be hard to sufficiently describe your relationship.

  Here’s how to do it in Chinese:


  男/女朋友 (nán/nǚpéngyǒu) boy/girlfriend

  The use is fairly simple and straightforward. It should be employed to ince feelings jealousy and derision amongst other family and friends.



  Bàmā, zhè she wǒ nǚpéngyǒu.

  Mum, dad, this is my girlfriend.


  闺密 (guīmì) sisters; ladybro; close female friends

  More commonly used by the female of the species, 闺密 is used to convey a very close friend (bosom buddies?). Normally this would be between two female friends, but sometimes for making a joke, it can also apply to relationships between male and female, and male and male. It all depends on the user.



  Zuótiān, wǒ hé guīmì yīqǐ chī le ge dàcān.

  Yesterday, my best friend and I had a great meal.


  哥们儿 (gēmenr) bro; buddy

  Can be regarded as the male equivalent to 闺密. The conditions for use are exactly the same but simply with the genders reversed. The “er” sound at the end is added so the user is not embarrassed and to improve the sound.



  Wǎnshàng gēmenr yīqǐ tīqíu.

  In the evening, the brothers are going to play soccer.


  发小 (fàxiǎo) childhood friend

  Remember when you were four years-old and running around the backyard buck-naked, without a care in the world? There was that other kid, he/she used to come round all the time to play in your sandpit. You became fast friends and through the years, have remain on a close level. Even now, after a day toiling in the office of your state-run company, you find time to video chat with that childhood friend. That’s your 发小!



  Wǒ sì suì de shehòu rènshì wǒ fàxiǎo.

  I met my childhood friend when I was four.


  同学 (tóngxué) classmate

  Many people go to school at one point ring their lives. And ring these times, friends are often made. 同学 is used when you need to refer to most of these people. It is normally used to refer to classmates or those that were in the same grade as the user.



  Wǒmen míngtiān tóngxué jùhuì.

  Tomorrow, we are having a class reunion.


  同事 (tóngshì) colleague

  Let’s head back to that state-run office you were in earlier. Amongst the people here, there are colleagues that you have a special connection with. Your interests align, personalities match, and sense of humors ally. Colleagues that surpass the employment barrier and establish themselves within your friend zone.

  Unfortunately, in Chinese there is no good way to say “good friend who I met as a colleague”. Buttttt, hey. If they’re good enough to hang out with outside of the office, then friendship is a given.



  Wǒ jiào wǒ tóngshì yě lái chànggē.

  I also invited my colleague to KTV.


  邻居 (línjū) neighbor

  To be honest, in this day and age, it is rare for people to be on familiar with those that live beside them. Of course, the odd greeting might occur. Maybe you’ve even borrowed some salt or sugar. But that’s as far as it goes. You wouldn’t invite them for a weekend at your lake house, would you? You would? Well, good for you.



  Yīnggāi kéyǐ qù wǒ línjū jiā wánchéng.

  Should be able to complete it at my neighbor’s house.


  狐朋狗友 (húpénggǒuyǒu) “fox and dog friend”

  This last one is not a term that is used often in front of people that it is referring to. A derogatory phrase, 狐朋狗友 is used to insult a person’s close acquaintances. While literary translated to mean “fox and dog friends”, it can be thought of as “bad company”. It is most often heard when parents or spouses complain about the people you hang out with.



  Nǐ zhěngtiān jìu gēn nǐ nàxiē húpénggǒuyǒu hùn.

  You spend all day just mixing with bad company.



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