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书写的重要性 英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-13 03:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 15:34

Is handwriting nolonger important?
As we stepinto the 21st century, which continues to unfold many technologies,computers appear to gain popularity while handwriting is less paid attentionto. Many adolescents seem to leave handwriting behind.
Withcomputers almost doing everything, we even don’t write a letter. If necessary,just send an e-mail. That’s it! Step by step, we become poor at handwriting.So, there is real necessity for us, especially adolescents, to once againrealize the importance of handwriting.
Handwritingis universally thought of as part of the culture which consists of the5,000-year culture of China.It is a valuable cultural treasure that our ancestors gave us. We shouldinherit it and pass it on.
Moreover,handwriting is also regarded as a basic skill in society. It is one of thestandards that measure a person’s quality. For example, when you apply for ajob and the manager asks you to fill a form, your handwriting is so poor andyou make a badimpression to the manager. Perhaps you may fail to get the job just because ofyour poor handwriting. We should always keep in mind that we will never getanother chance to make the first impression good. Therefore, it is apparentlynecessary to right now better your handwriting.
Although computers can saveus a lot of work, it is still essential for us to pick up calligraphy toimprove our ability of handwriting. And in that case, we can develop the goodhabit of carefulness and strictness, too.
There being no particularcourse on calligraphy, I urge that elementary schools and middle ones set upsome calligraphy classes as soon as possible in order to develop students’interest in it and improve their handwriting ultimately.
Remember that handwriting isstill an important skill in today’s world. We should not ignore the ability ofhandwriting if we want to succeed in life, even though computers help us do alot. To make yourself more competitive, from now on, try your beat to practiceyour handwriting well.追答满意请采纳

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 15:35

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