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关于圣诞节的英语作文,要翻译 快24日十点之前

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-09 15:21



热心网友 时间:2024-04-26 10:13

Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most Western Christian churches. Although dating to probably as early as a.d. 200, the feast of Christmas did not become widespread until the Middle Ages. Aspects of celebration may include gift-giving, Christmas trees, display of Nativity sets, church attendance, the Father Christmas/Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings. The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse. It is a contraction meaning "Christ's mass". The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ.
圣诞节或圣诞节是假日庆祝耶稣的诞生,*教的中心人物。 人们传统上在12月25日庆祝大部分二十六个。 虽然约会可能早在公元200的圣诞,筵席上的才广泛流行,直到中世纪。 方面的庆祝活动包括送礼物,圣诞树,显示*降生的规定,教堂、圣诞老人、圣诞老人的神话、家庭聚会。 圣诞节这个单词是源自中世纪英语Christemasse。 这是一个收缩“*弥撒”的意义。 这个名字经常假日的缩短圣诞节“X”,因为罗马字母像希腊字母X,缩写为*的缘故


热心网友 时间:2024-04-26 10:14

Christmas or Christmas Day is a holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus, the central figure of Christianity. It is traditionally celebrated on December 25 by most Western Christian churches. Although dating to probably as early as a.d. 200, the feast of Christmas did not become widespread until the Middle Ages. Aspects of celebration may include gift-giving, Christmas trees, display of Nativity sets, church attendance, the Father Christmas/Santa Claus myth, and family gatherings. The word Christmas is derived from Middle English Christemasse. It is a contraction meaning "Christ's mass". The name of the holiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter "X" resembles the Greek letter X, an abbreviation for Christ.

热心网友 时间:2024-04-26 10:14

Christmas Day is a big festivel in western countries.People have a holiday ring the traditional festivel.People decarate their house, get together and have much delicious food.
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